- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.7
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
- 1.13
- 1.14
- 1.15
- 1.16
- 1.17
- 1.18
- 1.19
The coolest addon of Skript! (Reflection from 1.7 to 1.12?) It's up to you to test! 
You can find the SkWrapper premium plugin here to use BungeeCord features!
Download BossBarAPI for 1.8 BossBar support here.
You need Netherboard to use scoreboards here.
You need HolographicDisplays to use holograms here.
If you want to use the Citizens with Builder or Constructor feature, all you need is just the Citizens plugin right here.
And for the Builder plugin, just go here.
Or you can use my premium Constructor plugin here with a lot of other features.
SkWrapper example:
To do:
✘: Not featured
✔: Already featured
: Working on
- holograms ✔
- more scoreboard features ✔
- tablist ✔
- autorespawn ✔
- more bungee features (sockets/messages) ✔
- nametag ✔
- particles ✔
- sql ✘
- gui ✘
- worldedit (schematics, citizens/builder, copy/paste)
- worldguard regions ✘
- discord support ✘
- web requests ✘
- work on jump and swim event ✔
- effects support all players ✔
- advancement features ✔
- more reflection ✔
- disguise ✔
- npc ✘
- yml ✘
- minigame support ✘
- villager trade ✘
- bossbar rework ✔
- bossbar 1.8 ✔
- supply crate ✘
- more expressions and more events ✔
- actionbar < 1.12 compatibility ✔
- servers manager wrapper for bungee ✔
- your ideas
Issues, report or questions:
- https://github.com/Weefle/SkWaze/issues
- https://discord.gg/yhAPSSS
- https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=HARX9NKFPSLTY&source=url
You can find the SkWrapper premium plugin here to use BungeeCord features!
Download BossBarAPI for 1.8 BossBar support here.
You need Netherboard to use scoreboards here.
You need HolographicDisplays to use holograms here.
If you want to use the Citizens with Builder or Constructor feature, all you need is just the Citizens plugin right here.
And for the Builder plugin, just go here.
Or you can use my premium Constructor plugin here with a lot of other features.
[waze] (send|create) title %string% with [sub[title]] %string% (to|for) %players% (for|to) %integer% second[s]
[waze] (send|create) action[bar] %string% (to|for) %players%
[waze] (send|teleport) %players% to [bungee[cord]] server %string%
[waze] (stop|end|shut[ ]down) [skwrapper] proxy [server]
[waze] (create|register) [new] recipe[s] [for] %itemtype% with %itemtype%, %itemtype%, %itemtype%, %itemtype%, %itemtype%, %itemtype%, %itemtype%, %itemtype%, %itemtype%
[waze] (remove|clear|delete) [all] [craft[ing]] recipe[s]
[waze] (create|send) [boss]bar %string% (with|at) %integer% percent[s] (and|with) color %string% (and|with) style %string% with id %string% (to|for) %players%
[waze] (create|send) [boss]bar %string% (with|at) %integer% percent[s] (and|with) color %string% (and|with) style %string% with id %string% (for|and) %integer% second[s] (to|for) %players%
[waze] (remove|delete|clear) [boss]bar with id %string% (of|for) %players%
[waze] 1.8 (create|send) [boss]bar %string% (with|at) %integer% percent[s] (to|for) %players%
[waze] 1.8 (create|send) [boss]bar %string% (with|at) %integer% percent[s] (for|and) %integer% second[s] (to|for) %players%
[waze] 1.8 (remove|delete|clear) [boss]bar (of|for) %players%
[waze] (change|set) sidebar %string% (with|and) score %string% (at|for) line %integer% (to|for) %players%
[waze] (clear|remove|delete) sidebar (of|for) %players%
[waze] (clear|remove|delete) line %integer% (of|from) sidebar (of|for) %players%
[waze] (make|let) citizen[s] with id %number% build schem[atic] %string% (form|at) %location% (with|at) speed %number% (for|to) %players% [with ignoreair %boolean%]
[waze] (make|let) citizen[s] with id %number% build (nbt|structure) %string% (from|at) %location% (with|at) speed %number% (for|to) %players% [with ignoreair %boolean%]
[waze] (set|show) tab[list] (with|from) [head[er]] %string% (and|with) [foot[er]] %string% (to|for) %players%
[waze] (set|show) name[tag] %string% (to|for) %players%
[waze] (spawn|create|summon) [a number of] %integer% [of] %string%['s] particle[s] (to|for) %players% (at|from) %location% (and|with) offset %float%, %float%, %float% (and|with|at) speed %float%
[waze] [auto]respawn %players%
[waze] (add|create) [[a] new] [skwrapper] server named %string% (from|with) template %string%
[waze] (start|begin) [skwrapper] server named %string% (from|with) template %string%
[waze] (stop|end) [skwrapper] server named %string% (from|with) template %string%
[waze] (disguise|transform|morph) %players% (as|in[to]) player %string% view[itself] %boolean%
[waze] (disguise|transform|morph) %players% (as|in[to]) mob %string% view[itself] %boolean%
[waze] (disguise|transform|morph) %players% (as|in[to]) misc %string% view[itself] %boolean%
[waze] (undisguise|untransform|unmorph) player[s] %players%
[waze] (create|spawn) [[a] new] hologram display[ing] %string% (at|from) %locations% (and|with) id %string%
[waze] (delete|remove|clear) hologram with id %string%
[waze] (teleport|move) hologram with id %string% (to|at) %locations%
[waze] (set|change) line %integer% (at|from) hologram with id %string% (to|with) %string%
[waze] (set|change) line %integer% (at|from) hologram with id %string% (to|with) item %string%
[waze] (add|append) [a] new line (at|from) hologram with id %string% (to|with) %string%
[waze] (add|append) [a] new line (at|from) hologram with id %string% (to|with) item %string%
[waze] (clear|remove|delete) line %integer% (at|from) hologram with id %string%
[waze] refresh [all] [skwrapper] server templates
[waze] (start|begin) all [skwrapper] servers
[waze] (start|begin) all [skwrapper] servers from template %string%
[waze] (stop|end) all [skwrapper] servers
[waze] (stop|end) all [skwrapper] servers from template %string%
[waze] send network message %string% to proxy players
[waze] send network message %string% to %players%
[waze] send network title %string% [with] subtitle %string% (to|for) proxy players (for|to) %integer% second[s]
[waze] send network title %string% [with] subtitle %string% (to|for) %players% (for|to) %integer% second[s]
[waze] run proxy command %string%
[waze] send network actionbar %string% to proxy players
[waze] send network actionbar %string% to %players%
[waze] jump[ing]
[waze] toggle swim[ing]
[waze] swim[ing]
[waze] horse jump[ing]
[waze] advancement [(done|obtained|won)]
[waze] [number of] online player[s] on bungee[cord]
[waze] [number of] online player[s] on server %string%
[waze] online player[s] uuid on bungee[cord]
[waze] online player[s] uuid on server %string%
[waze] %players%['s] ping [list], [waze] ping [list] of %players%
[waze] %players%['s] [boss]bar [list]", "[waze] [boss]bar [list] of %players%
[waze] %players%['s] disguise [list]", "[waze] disguise [list] of %players%
[waze] hologram['s] list", "[waze] list of hologram
[waze] [bungee[cord]] server[s] list, [waze] [bungee[cord]] list of server[s]
[waze] [bungee[cord]] %player% server", "[waze] [bungee[cord]] server of %player%
[waze] (global|network) variable [(from|of)] %object%
[waze] holo id %string% exist[s]
[waze] server %string% is online
SkWrapper example:

To do:
✘: Not featured
✔: Already featured

- holograms ✔
- more scoreboard features ✔
- tablist ✔
- autorespawn ✔
- more bungee features (sockets/messages) ✔
- nametag ✔
- particles ✔
- sql ✘
- gui ✘
- worldedit (schematics, citizens/builder, copy/paste)

- worldguard regions ✘
- discord support ✘
- web requests ✘
- work on jump and swim event ✔
- effects support all players ✔
- advancement features ✔
- more reflection ✔
- disguise ✔
- npc ✘
- yml ✘
- minigame support ✘
- villager trade ✘
- bossbar rework ✔
- bossbar 1.8 ✔
- supply crate ✘
- more expressions and more events ✔
- actionbar < 1.12 compatibility ✔
- servers manager wrapper for bungee ✔
- your ideas

Issues, report or questions:
- https://github.com/Weefle/SkWaze/issues
- https://discord.gg/yhAPSSS
- https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=HARX9NKFPSLTY&source=url