
Addon skript-yaml v1.3.2

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Backwards compatibility and more, info at github page (
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1.13 support

  • Fixed issue with stuff not saving properly due to 'NoSuchMethod' error
**EDIT**: At the moment this version doesn't work with some older versions of spigot(1.8 etc.), you can safely use 1.2.4 if you get a 'NoSuchMethod' error
  • Fixed issue with files not loading if some keys contained integers
    • They now get converted into characters, keep this in mind when fetching data from those nodes
  • Fixed issue with elements not saving in the same order they were set
  • Fixed error when loading a file with empty nodes
  • Fixed a casting issue with lists
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Reactions: AlvianMinecraft
  • Fixed issue #6 before it was reported <3
    • Moved serialization method to better location to address an issue where certain serialization didn't happen if the file was loaded and saved again(without setting the value)
  • Added more skript classes to the representer
    • Date, Time, Timespan, Color and WeatherType
      • Date is parsed the same way snakeyaml would have converted 'java.util.Date'
      • The rest use skript methods to convert back and forth

  • Added Skripts ItemType and Slot class to the yaml representer
    • This fixes certain items not being saved as ItemStack
  • Fixed stacktrace when saving empty yaml
  • Updated the Yaml expression to filter color codes back and forth
    • Use the 'without string checks' option to disable it
Bugfixes and more
  • Updated how de/serialization works using Snakeyamls built in methods
    • This means you will see a change in how Skript serialized classes look removing the map node 'skriptclass' to a tag '!skriptclass' that Snakeyaml uses to parse data types
    • Vector and Location also have a tag and removal of the map node representing the data type
    • Bukkits ConfigurationSerializable data types are also de/serializable using the same method bukkit feeds to snakeyaml
      • These types have their own serialized structure
    • It will update any previously saved data types
  • Added Effect to delete all yaml or any loaded yaml from a directory
  • 'delete all [y[a]ml] from [(1¦non[(-| )]relative)] director(y|ies) %strings%'
  • 'delete (all|any) loaded [y[a]ml] from [(1¦non[(-| )]relative)] director(y|ies) %strings% [using [the] filename as [the] id]'
  • Re-added 'Does yaml path exist' condition since the built in skript version was returning the wrong result (check docs for more info)
  • Changed 'Yaml' expression to [[skript-]y[a]ml] (1¦value|2¦(node|path) list|3¦(node|path)[s with] keys|4¦list) %string% (of|in|from) %string% [without string checks]
    • Using '(node|path) list' only gets a list of nodes at that path (full names like 'rootnode.subnode' are returned)
  • Fixed comments and header not loading into memory during a fresh load (causing them to not be saved as a result)
  • Snakeyaml loads asynchronously already so i changed loading 'Effect' instead of 'AsyncEffect' (it fixes an error that happens sometimes)

Skript serialized classes now look like...
nodeName: !skriptclass
   type: someclasstype
   data: bGF3bHMgZ2V0IHJla3QgPDMgdGhpcyBpcyBvbmx5IGZvciBleGFtcGxl
Added even more things to make the addon more feature complete

  - Added effect `[re]load all [y[a]ml] from [(1¦non[(-| )]relative)] director(y|ies) %strings% [using [the] filename as [the] id]` (loads all .yml from a directory thx pikachu for the idea)
  - Files are now saved with additional lines between each node
    - Updated 'Save yaml' effect to...
      - `save [y[a]ml] %string% [(1¦without extra lines between nodes)]`
  - Comments and header no longer add additional lines by default
    - Updated 'Yaml comment/header' expressions to...
      - `[the] comment[s] (of|from) [y[a]ml] node[s] %strings% (of|in|from) %string% [(1¦with [an] extra line)]`
      - `[the] (comment[s] (at|on) [the] top of |header (of|from)) %string% [(1¦with [an] extra line)]`
  - Updated 'Yaml' expression return type now stuff like this works...
    - broadcast yaml value "location" from "plugins/skript-yaml/teleport.yml"
    - teleport player to yaml value "location" from "plugins/skript-yaml/teleport.yml"
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Reactions: KingAlterIV
Removed AsyncEffect from save effect due to issues

To reproduce said issue...

On script load:
   load yaml "plugins/skript-yaml/test/test.yml" as "test"

command /test:
       loop 100 times:
           set yaml value "node1.node2.node3" from "test" to 1
           save yaml "test"
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