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Supported Skript Version
  1. 2.8
Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.20


[ Required Plugins: Skript 2.8.2+, SkBee 3.4.0+, Skript-Reflect ]

This Skript allows you to easily create, customize, and manage merchants.


Each merchant created allows you to set different trades
Trades are saved and loaded when editing in the "Trade Editor GUI"
Each merchant allows you to have multiple entities allowing players to access the "Trade GUI"
Each merchant is connected to a hard coded ID number that saves all data for that merchant
You can disable the trade in the "Trade Editor GUI" to disallow players from accessing the "Trade GUI"


There is a wide variety of entities you can choose from
To customize attributes of an entity, you must (Sneak + Right Click) on an entity to edit
The limit of entities per merchant is 27


This Skript allows you to change certain settings

MaxSlimeSize : This setting allows you to change the max size of slime and magma cube entities
MaxTrades : This setting allows you to set a limit of trades per merchant
MaxMerchants : This setting allows you to set a limit of merchants
ChatTimer : This setting allows you to change the seconds for the chat timer
MenuObject : This setting allows you to change the display object for merchants in the "Merchants GUI"
MultipleEntities : This setting allows you to toggle to have multiple entities per merchant


This Skript is heavily variable based
Stores all data from the trades set, settings, and entities for a merchant
All variables are stored globally and within the same list
It is recommended to change the variable save interval in Skript config to a shorter timespan so no data is lost


Please refrain from taking my code to: claim as your own, re-publish, and re-make without my verifiable consent

- NOTE -

If you have any feedback or suggestions, DM me on SkUnity or Discord
I would also like to see the application of the skript anyone has done with it so far


Video showcases the release of V1.0.0 and is not updated


/custommerchants or /cm

/cm Help

- Sends a message displaying all possible commands
- Shows information of what they do and how to use them

/cm Update
- Updates all existing merchants to new format, if new version has different format

/cm Create <name> [<entity>]
- Creates a new merchant with the provided name
- Names can not contain spaces or color codes
- On creation, you can provide an entity to spawn
- Can not reuse a name taken by another merchant

/cm Rename <name> <new name>
- Allows you to change the caller name of the selected merchant
- New name can not contain spaces or color codes

/cm Edit <name>
- Opens up the "Trade Editor GUI" for the selected merchant
- Allows you to set, change, remove trades for the merchant
- To edit attributes of an entity, you must (Sneak + Right Click) on that entity

/cm Delete <name>
- Deletes all data of the selected merchant
- Also despawns all entities for the merchant

/cm Display <name> <display name>
- Allows you to change the display name
- Display name will be displayed above all entities for the merchant
- Display name will be displayed in the "Trade GUI"

/cm SpawnEntity <name> <entity>
- Spawns new entity for the selected merchant
- If "MultipleEntities" setting is disabled, will despawn last/current entity, if merchant only has one entity

/cm KillEntity <name> [<entity ID>]
- Despawns an entity for the selected merchant
- If merchant has more than one entity, you must provide the entity ID

/cm EntityYaw <name> <yaw number> [<entity ID>]
- Changes the yaw of an entity of the selected merchant
- If merchant has more than one entity, you must provide the entity ID

/cm EntityPitch <name> <pitch number> [<entity ID>]
- Changes the pitch of an entity of the selected merchant
- If merchant has more than one entity, you must provide the entity ID

/cm Locate <name> [<entity ID>]
- Tells you the location of an entity of the selected merchant
- If merchant has more than one entity, you must provide the entity ID

/cm TPHere <name> [<entity ID>]
- Teleports an entity of the selected merchant to your location
- If merchant has more than one entity, you must provide the entity ID

/cm GUI
- Opens the "Merchant GUI"
- Allows you to do everything that the commands can do

/cm Settings
- Opens the "Settings GUI"
- Allows you to change or reset settings

/cm ClearData
- Clears all data (variables) associated and created via the skript
- Deletes all merchants, entities, and trades
- Renders Skript unusable unless reloaded
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Minor Support Update [1.2.1]

    REMINDER As of last update (1.2.0) Skript-Reflect is also required to use this skript. [Change...
  2. Support Update [1.2.0]

    NEW REQUIREMENTS Due to the change in NBT and item flags in the newer versions And to be able to...
  3. Multiple Entities [1.1.0]

    REQUIRED Execute /cm Update when downloading this version [Change Log] - Added the ability for...