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@hotpocket184 hotpocket184 released this 20 Apr 00:00

Fixed local vars not saving in the advancement complete section thanks to @Fusezion

Example Usage:

on load:
	create advancement tab named "quests":
		create advancement named "root":
			set root to true
			# Sets the background of the advancement tab. It only works for root advancements.
			# For those who know resource packs, you can use a texture path for more customization instead:
			#    set background texture to "textures/.../image.png"
			set background to birch log
			# This is the name that shows on the second line of toasts and when hovering in the advancement menu.
			# The root advancement title determines the title shown when hovering over the advancement tab.
			set title to "Quests"
			set description to "This is the description.", "It can also" and "be a list!"
			# Set to 'task' by default.
			set frame to goal
			# Set the icon of the frame:
			set icon to stone pickaxe
			# This will let you increment progression as the player does something.
			# Example: Each time a player fishes, add 1 to progress of the custom advancement "quests/root" for player
			set max progress to 5
			# The X and Y values determine the placement of the advancement in the tab.
			# X is horizontal (side to size) and Y is vertical (up and down)
			set x to 1
			set y to 3
			# You can set the visibility to: 'shown,' the default value; 'hidden,' to hide the advancement until completion; or 'parent granted,' to hide the advancement until the parent is granted.
			# The 'parent granted' visibility option can NOT be used for root advancements.
			set visibility to shown
			# Options for after completion:
			set announcement to false
			set toast to true
			# The complete section runs when a player completes an advancement. It can be useful for granting rewards easily.
			on complete:
				give player diamond
				# You can use the expressions used above inside of the on complete section.
				send formatted "Congratulations! You completed <tooltip:%description%>[%title%]!" to player
				if root is true:
					send "It was a root advancement!" to player
			# Finishes the creation process
			build advancement
		# Use the same logic for base advancements, but set the parent of the advancement, too.
		# Since there's only one advancement in the tab, you would use "quests/root." The format is "tab/advancement"
		# 	set parent to "quests/root"
		# If you want multiple parents, you can set it to a list of advancement.
		#	set parents to "quests/root" and "quests/mine_10_blocks"
		build tab