
Script SkQueryToTuske 1.2b

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.9
  2. 1.10
  3. 1.11
  4. 1.12
  5. 1.13
  6. 1.14
  7. 1.15
  • Author: Olyno
  • Tested in: 1.11.2 and 1.12
  • Requires addons: SkUtilities
  • Command: /convert <name of the script>

SkQueryToTuske is a simple script! It simply allows you to convet your guis with SkQuery to guis with Tuske. In 1 command, your nightmare of changing your script from A to Z to Tuske is over!


This script contains only 1 command. See above.

Installation and use:

Even if it is simple to use this script, you still need an installation.

To install:

  1. Download the script from this page
  2. Move this script from your downloads to your server in the following path: "plugins/Skript/scripts"
  3. Execute the command "/sk reload all" from the console or in-game.
  4. Enjoy!
To use:
  1. Code your script using SkQuery (except if you already did it)
  2. Move your SkQuery script to this path: "plugins/Skript/scripts"
  3. Execute the command "/convert <the name of your SkQuery script>" from the console or in-game
  4. Receive the latest informations in the console (errors, validations....)
  5. Get your converted script to Tuske at this path: "plugins/Skript/scripts"
  6. Enjoy!
Possible issues with the script:
  • Your code has been changed in part, but you can get some issues:
  • Your accents are gone?! Yes ! They were removed. It's your job to do.
  • Your symbols or special characters have disapeared and been replaced by something else? Same as above. Simply put them back once the conversion is complete.
  • "This file doesn't exist": You gave a wrong name or path to the convert command.
  • "So much files created! Please delete last files to convert this file": You can convert up to 5 times the same script with the same name. Previous conversions will have to be deleted.
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Latest reviews

Works really good. The only thing is that it only creates the file but not saying that it has created it.