Skore - The scoreboard addon.

Featured Skore - The scoreboard addon. 2.0.6

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.7
  2. 1.8
  3. 1.9
  4. 1.10
  5. 1.11
  6. 1.12
  7. 1.13
  8. 1.14
  9. 1.15
  10. 1.16
  11. 1.17
  12. 1.18
  13. 1.19
  14. 1.20

Skoreboard - By LimeGlass


An addon for non-flickering visual scoreboards, hex colours and unlimited length with the performance of async packet sending to maximize the style of your scoreboards.

If you would like support for custom teams and scoreboards in that nature, I suggest using Skellett for that. These scoreboards are just designed to be pretty and be extremely fast without compromises. They're for cosmetics rather than for managing a team game etc.

Since Skore is using packets to achieve it's magic, this means Skore will not conflict with any other scoreboards, such as tablists, nametags, server scoreboards for teams or under name scoreboards. Packet manipulation also means that the main thread of your server will not be handling the scoreboards, lightening the resource load on your server and removing the flickering effect commonly seen.

1.7-1.12 servers use 1.0.X series of Skore with TitleManager
1.13-1.16 should use version 2.0.2 of Skore with ProtocolLib
1.17+ requires Java 17 and latest Skore version with ProtocolLib.

Skore 1.0.X requires TitleManager
or if using Skore 2.0.0+, you will need ProtocolLib and not TitleManager

All of the syntaxes for this addon are generated in a Syntax.yml with a description, toggle for each syntax and what expression changers are supported on it.


Example script:
Group scoreboards:
function scoreboardUpdate(player: player, scoreboard: text):
    set title of skoreboard {_player} to {scoreboards::%{_scoreboard}%::title}
    reset slots numbers between 1 and 16 of skoreboard {_player}
    loop {scoreboards::%{_scoreboard}%::lines::*}:
        add 1 to {_line}
        set slot {_line} of skoreboard {_player} to loop-value
on script load:
    add "line 1" and "&6Line2" to {scoreboards::default::lines::*}
    set {scoreboards::default::title} to "&6&lSkore"
on join:
    setup skoreboard for player
    add player to {scoreboards::default::players::*}

every tick:
    if {test} is not set:
        set {test} to true
    if {test} is true:
        set {scoreboards::default::lines::*} to "&d&lPerformance testing", "&l&nmore", "&1and &amore&r      &4look", "&b&lPerformance testing", "&a%random number between 0 and 100000000000000000000000000000%" and "&aA really long line for some more tests!"
        set {test} to false
        set {scoreboards::default::title} to "<##c3808a>&l&nSKOOOOOOOOOORE"
        set {scoreboards::default::lines::*} to "&a&lPerformance testing", "&5&lmore", "&8&mand more&r      &4look", "&e&lPerformance testing &c&l WOW" and "&b%random number between 0 and 100000000000000000000000000000%"
        set {test} to true
        set {scoreboards::default::title} to "&6&l&nSKOOOOOOOOOORE"
    loop all players where [{scoreboards::default::players::*} contains player input]:
        scoreboardUpdate(loop-value, "default")
Basic example:
on join:
    setup skoreboard for player
    if player has a skoreboard:
        set title of skoreboard player to "&a&lDamn, this is some clean title"
        set slot 1 of skoreboard player to "test"

Line index only goes from 1-16

Example of how you can do scrolling in your skoreboard:
set {_text} to "Example text here!"
loop length of {_text} times:
    # index will resemble the location in which the loop is in the text message.
    add 1 to {_index}
    # change the wording "first" to "last" for opposite scroll direction
    set slot 1 of skoreboard {_player} to "&a%first {_index} characters of {_text}%"
    # Scroll update delay, change to preference.
    wait a tick

      enabled: true
      changers: '[SET, DELETE, RESET]'
      description: Returns or changes the value of the Skoreboard(s).
      - '[Skore] [(all [[of] the]|the)] (slot|value|line)[s] %numbers% (of|from|in)
        skoreboard[s] %players%'
      - '[Skore] %players%''[s] skoreboard[s] (slot|value|line)[s] %numbers%'
      enabled: true
      changers: '[SET, DELETE, RESET]'
      description: Returns or changes the title of the Skoreboard(s).
      - '[Skore] [(all [[of] the]|the)] title[s] (of|from|in) skoreboard[s] %players%'
      - '[Skore] %players%''[s] skoreboard[s] title[s]'
      enabled: true
      description: Check if the player has a skoreboard initialized.
      - '%player% (1¦has|2¦does not have) [a] skoreboard'
      enabled: true
      description: Setup the Skoreboard for the player, tells the system their skoreboard.
      - (1¦(create|set[up])|2¦(remove|reset|delete)) [a] [([skore] sc|sk)oreboard]
        (for|to|of) %players%

Need help with your scoreboard? Send me (LimeGlass) a message explaining what you want on your scoreboard and how you want it to look/animate or do. I'll help you out in making your skoreboard dreams come true.

If you have any suggestions that I should add. Please use the discussion page to notify me about them. If you need any help with this addon as well you can pm me or use the discussion of this resource, Thanks.

First release
Last update
4.57 star(s) 7 ratings

More resources from LimeGlass

Latest updates

  1. 2.0.6

    Updated to Skript 2.7.0-beta2 Updated to Spigot 1.19.4 Updated to ProtocolLib 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT...
  2. Added support for hex colours!

    - Added support for minecraft/skript hex colours. Example: set slot 15 of skoreboard player to...
  3. Less flicker

    Updated some packets to handle the newer methods. There is practically zero flickering when...

Latest reviews

Thanks for this great Addon, but can you add something like "wipe player's sidebar"? It would be very usefull for me.
Already present. The syntax is (remove|reset|delete) [a] [([skore] sc|sk)oreboard] (for|to|of) %players%
Easy to use and so simple.
Can't thank you enough LimeGlass!
Small problem, after 16 characters my text becomes white
If you're on 1.8 it will do that
I thought it was a great plugin.
Will you support 1.16?
It does
Good but we need to use it without any addon. .
This addon is a pure revolution. Thank you for producing.
Great scoreboard system, saw this and I instantly rewrote my scoreboards to use Skore instead of Skellett stylish boards, I noticed that now vanilla /scoreboard system works with this and that this doesn't even flicker while stylish boards had a bit of flickering sometimes, awesome!