SKItemCreator V2 ⭐ - 1.21.3 - ⛏ Create your own items!

Script SKItemCreator V2 ⭐ - 1.21.3 - ⛏ Create your own items! 1.3.1

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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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Supported Skript Version
  1. 2.9
Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.21

Create your items with endless possibilities!

Addons required: SkBee, Skript-Reflect, Skript-yaml
Supported version: 1.21.3+

Sans titre.png


✎ Custom NBT tags support
✎ Custom crafts
✎ Item components from 1.21+
SkRPG compatibility (For stats and mana)
Create items with random stats (SkRPG)
MythicMobs and Crucible compatibility (cast skills with items)
ItemsAdder compatibility
Oraxen compatibility
PlaceholderAPI support for lores and item names
AdvancedEnchantments compatibility (THIS is required)
✎ Create custom armor sets
✎ Custom conditions
✎ Custom kits
✎ Parse skript code with items
✎ Create custom rarities


All documentation is available here (options, commands, API...)


You need help? You have any suggestions? Join my discord here!
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

More resources from Palgia

Latest updates

  1. Small fix

    Fixed an issue with item conditions for leggings, chestplates, and helmets. Works fine now!
  2. Version 1.3 - Custom Blocks!

    See changelog here.
  3. Version 1.2 - Kits Update!

    See changelog here.

Latest reviews

I appreciate how much effort he put into this. The amount of .sk files, the custom effects and expressions to make it easy to integrate into other skripts, the amount of customization, he even put a lot of work into the tutorials on the Github page. This deserves 5 stars.
Thanks so much!