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Releases: Olyno/SkEmail

New async system & co

21 Mar 22:01
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What is new?

Several issues were reported some time ago. So it was time to make a release to fix everything.

This release includes the new async system that Skent has, the upgrade of the addon to work with the latest versions of Skript, the global upgrade of the dependencies, but also the switch from SSL/TLS to STARTTLS for email encryption.

It is worth noting that SkEmail has a conflict with Skript for its send effect. To solve this problem, add a simple sync or async prefix (async is recommended).

If you are using a previous version of SkEmail, remember to delete the plugin folder to regenerate the new files.

New features

  • New async system based on Skent


  • Plugin didn't load with latest version of Skript
  • Couldn't connect to Gmail account (see here)

Syntax conflict

02 May 19:04
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Patch note

  • Fix syntax conflict with name expression of Skript (#41)

Fix some issues

01 May 21:12
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A lot of you told me there are some error messages with 1.6 and some issues. Here is a release (probably the latest, I hope) with fix.

Patch note


  • SkEmail is now available only on Github


  • Fix error message for nothing

Async, auto update code and reduce jar size

23 Aug 18:06
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This version of SkEmail does not contain much of a major features, but it should be noted that it contains many improvements that can potentially improve your code.

Patch note


  • Effects Async: each effects are now async!
  • Size reduced: the size of SkEmail has been reduced a lot!
  • Auto update source code: using Bitbucket pipelines, all changes on the Bitbucket repository will be available on this repository too!

Total rework, improvements and syntaxes update

23 Mar 20:44
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I am happy to finally introduce SkEmail version 1.5. This version has many changes, especially in the source code. I wanted to get as close as possible to the javamail API (which was not the case in the beginning).
In this version, you will have events (finally!), syntax updates and the redesign of many features.

Patch Note


  • Added [e]mail (sent|transport) event
  • Added [e]mail connect(ed|ion) event
  • Added [e]mail disconnect(ed|ion) event


  • Added (logout|disconnect) %string% [from [all] connected [e]mail[s]] effect
  • Rework send email effect: send %email% [to %-string%] [(using|with) (%-session%|%-string%)]


  • Added [the] last[ly] [e]mail (sent|transported) expression
  • Added %string% as %recipienttype% expression (like "" as bcc)
  • Added sent date of email and email's sent date expressions (property expression)
  • Added [new] <\w+> (service|session) expression (like new gmail service)
  • Deleted all services expressions (like gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc...)


  • Rework email creation scope: (make|do|create) [new] [e]mail [(using|with|for) [account] (%-session%|%-string%)]
  • Deleted services' scope


  • Added iaddress type
  • Added e?mail type
  • Added e?mail?( |-|_)internet( |-|_)address type
  • Added e?mail( |-|_)session type
  • Added e?mail( |-|_)address type
  • Added (folder|dir|box) type
  • Added recipient(-|_| )(type)? type


  • A command is now available with SkEmail. Make /skemail help to see more.
  • Metrcis for stats have been added.
  • To add a custom mail service or edit a current service, a file named services.yml is available in plugins/SkEmail/services directoy. Just take one of all existing service and make the same.


  • Fix new line expression (replace all new line with <br>)
  • Fix characters as UTF-8

More services, bugs fix and update of the description

13 Nov 19:52
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See new banner here:

In this version, you'll see:

  • Syntax of login changed ==> account|session is now optionnal
  • A lot of new services are available (like yahoo, gmx etc...) as expression
  • Update description of the addon (last one was not good to see, seems to be better now)
  • Added expression author of %emailcreator% and %emailcreator%'s author

If you have a problem with the login effect, it provides from javax.mail. Just reload your server to make login changes.

New syntaxes, new code, new features!

04 Nov 22:51
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Heya, everyone!
I have the honour to present you the 1.3 version of SkEmail! In this version, many syntaxes have changed such as the login system, the mail service creation system etc.... I therefore invite you to check your code according to the new syntaxes:

Many errors can appear with this version, don't hesitate to report them to me by creating an issue.

Fix and more possibilities!

26 Oct 11:15
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I am pleased to introduce you to version 1.2 of SkEmail. Here is what this version adds:

  • The special characters and symbols work in the email and no longer return "????"
  • You can and must to configure your own mail service in the configuration file available in plugins/SkEmail/config.json and replace the connection syntax with this syntax:
(connexion|connection|login|connect) to [[sk]e]mail[s]
  • You can now read the emails in your mailbox via the following syntaxes:
[the] last[ly] [%-integer%] [e]mails [(in|from) [the] [box] [(named|with name)] %-string%]
receiver[s] of %emailreader% ; %emailreader%['s] receiver[s]
body of %emailreader% ; %emailreader%'s body
(from part|author[s]) of %emailreader% ; %emailreader%['s] (author[s]|from part)
(title|subject|object)[s] of %emailreader% ; %emailreader%'s (title|subject|object)[s]

A lot of syntaxes changed too, so check syntaxes on skripthub or skunity doc.

More services, more options

20 Oct 17:40
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This is version 1.1 of SkEmail. This is a version that adds:

  • many additional messaging services
  • the possibility to add several recipients as well as several files to attach.
  • the possibility of using html
  • many more precise errors
  • some fixed bugs
  • a cleaner code
  • the beginning of version 1.2

Report me all bug you find in Issues please

First version of SkEmail - Send simple mails

14 Oct 18:19
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I'm pleased to announce version 1.0 of SkEmail. This is an addon that allows you to send emails. It is easy to use and efficient. Many updates will come in the future like being able to include html in the core of the email, and much more!

I'm in no way responsible for your actions with my tools.