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- Fixed problem with decoding some packets due to now decode method can be private
- FilePath type renamed to path again
- Now modules automatically disables if conflicts is possible or some soft-dependencies isn't exist or not loaded
- renamed 'path' type to 'filepath' due to conflict with Skent addon
- fixed wrong driver class name for mysql database

- Fixed a bug with creating packages on 1.20.5+ (some of them could not be created)
- Added drivers for popular DBMS (ms sql, sqlite, postgres, mariadb, mysql)
- Added auto-detection of the driver by the connection link for added drivers
- Now the driver for connection is specified in the connection initialization expression, instead of the config:
[the] data(base|[ ]source) [(of|at)] %string% [with [a] [max[imum]] [connection] life[ ]time of %-timespan%] [(with|and) driver [class] [name] %-string%]
Added expression to create bundle packet from list of packets (1.19+)
bundle packet (from|of|with) %packets%

Be careful, now cores formed from Paper use other class names (the same as Mojang themselves use), your code from the previous ones may be broken. We are currently working on using universal names on all versions.
Bug fixes
- Fixed problem when bundle packet isn't splitted on versions greater than or equal to 1.19.4.
- Fixed error when trying set event-packet to another packet.
- Fixed error when trying to set/get skin signature or value of player's gameprofile.

- added pattern to clear player's skin properties
- added way to send packet without trigger on packet event
- added serialization for packet and buffer objects, now it can be saved after server stop

- added expressions to get file attributes, like file size, last modified date, create date, last access date
- added serialization for files objects, now files can be saved after server stop
While working with NBT fields, I needed functions for writing raw utf-8 strings to the buffer.
I solve this problem and provide an expression for writing and reading strings.
write utf[-| ]8 %string% to %bytebuf%
read utf[(-| )]8 [with [len[gth]]] %number% from %bytebuf%
To read a string, you must also specify the length of the string in bytes.

Typically, in fields where you need to write exactly a string, you must also indicate its length before writing.
To do this, use the expression:
bytes of %string% [with charset %string%]
%string%'s bytes [with charset %string%]
It returns a list of bytes in a string with a specific encoding. UTF-8 is the default encoding.

Fixed some wrongs patterns, but these are minor things)

Also, a bug was fixed that caused some packets to be built incorrectly on versions below 1.17 and with Java version greater than 11.

Special thanks for @loyslow, he helped discover and correct a lot.
Now addon allow you to handle, create and edit packets.
Read the docs to learn new syntax and get some examples.
Module based on Sample-packets API

- Fixed a lot of critical bugs.
- Added some extra syntax.
- Improve some old syntax from 1.0
- Finally completed addon documentation.

and some small old changes in web-server api