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- Support for Minecraft 1.17.1 has been dropped, see Outdated for outdated versions
- Support is now only for Minecraft 1.18.2+ (keep in mind, I will only support the latest release of each Minecraft major release, ex: 1.19.4 is supported, but 1.19, 1.19.1, 1.19.2 and 1.19.3 are NOT supported)

- Fixed a bug on MC versions below 1.19.4 where an error was thrown on load
- Fixed a bug when trying to loop nbt lists and throwing a massive console error

- Separated BossBar expression into several expressions
- Deprecated
bar players of %bossbar%` expression in favour of just adding/removing players to/from bossbars directly, ex: `add player to bossbar named "test"
- Changed the BossBar expressions to include
with id` to be more clear as `named
seems a bit confusing
- Support for Minecraft 1.17.1 has been dropped, see Outdated for outdated versions
- Support is now only for Minecraft 1.18.2+ (keep in mind, I will only support the latest release of each Minecraft major release, ex: 1.19.4 is supported, but 1.19, 1.19.1, 1.19.2 and 1.19.3 are NOT supported)

- Added support for front/back in open sign effect
- Added support for choosing palettes in structures (I have no clue what this is really used for, probably something hiding in MC somewhere)
- Added spell cast event
- Added an expression to get a spawn egg from an entity/entityType
- Added an expression to get a chunk by chunk coords
- Added an expression for fishing experience in fish event
- Added an expression to get the children of a text component (essentially splitting it)
- Added an effect to give an item to a player and drop if their inventory is full
- Added support for getting an ItemType from BlockData
- Added an expression to get min/max height of world
- Added support for suspicious gravel in the suspicious item of block expression

- Fixed an issue with the Z coord not being set in the last placed location of a structure
- Fixed an issue with unload/delete world sometimes not working
- Fixed a bug with
all available potion effect types
not working on Spigot

- Structures now save rotation/mirror/integrity/includeEntities (structure must be saved for this to actually save)
- Changed the unload world effect to not attempt to unload the main world (you just can't do it)
- Added a warning to
save [structure] %structure%
effect, in the future "structure" won't be optional, so start including that.
This update will always take you to the latest release of SkBee on GitHub
See GitHub Changelog for changes
See GitHub change log for full details
See GitHub change log for full details
In a future release of SkBee, NBT related syntax that uses strings will be removed, and SkBee will focus on the use of NBT compounds.
This is mainly due to the mess of code I have had to write for string related NBT, and I want to work on cleaning this all up.
Example of what will be removed:
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt "{someNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt "{myCustomNBT:1}"
add "{SomeNBT:1}" to nbt of player

Don't worry though, cause these simply can be replaced with the nbt compound from string expression:
set {_n} to nbt compound from "{someNBT:1}"
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt {_n}

set {_nbt} to nbt compound from "{myCustomNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt {_nbt}

add nbt compound of "{SomeNBT:1}" to nbt compound of player
# OR
set {_n} to nbt compound from  "{SomeNBT:1}"
add {_n} to nbt compound of player
This change will most likely happen in SkBee 1.18.0. I just wanted to give everyone plenty of time to switch over to using NBT compounds.

Release News:
- added pattern for `all boss bars` (all custom boss bars registered to the server)
- added missing "placed on" item flag
- hidden flags now defaults to all flags if not specified
In a future release of SkBee, NBT related syntax that uses strings will be removed, and SkBee will focus on the use of NBT compounds.
This is mainly due to the mess of code I have had to write for string related NBT, and I want to work on cleaning this all up.
Example of what will be removed:
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt "{someNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt "{myCustomNBT:1}"
add "{SomeNBT:1}" to nbt of player

Don't worry though, cause these simply can be replaced with the nbt compound from string expression:
set {_n} to nbt compound from "{someNBT:1}"
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt {_n}

set {_nbt} to nbt compound from "{myCustomNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt {_nbt}

add nbt compound of "{SomeNBT:1}" to nbt compound of player
# OR
set {_n} to nbt compound from  "{SomeNBT:1}"
add {_n} to nbt compound of player
This change will most likely happen in SkBee 1.18.0. I just wanted to give everyone plenty of time to switch over to using NBT compounds.

Release News:
- Changed pattern in "entity block storage" expression due to a conflict
- Appended "effect" to potion effect causes due to a conflict
- Fixed an issue with bossbar types loading
- Delay removing boards from players (fixes a bug when modifying the board when a player logs out, thus creating a new board)
- Fixed a bug with a missing constructor for MerchantRecipe in 1.17.x
- Changed the return of boss bar progress from integer to float (making it more precise)
- Fixed an error when running older builds of MC 1.17.1, and missing structure elements

- Added an option in the config to disable the update checker
- Added player purchase event
In a future release of SkBee, NBT related syntax that uses strings will be removed, and SkBee will focus on the use of NBT compounds.
This is mainly due to the mess of code I have had to write for string related NBT, and I want to work on cleaning this all up.
Example of what will be removed:
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt "{someNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt "{myCustomNBT:1}"
add "{SomeNBT:1}" to nbt of player

Don't worry though, cause these simply can be replaced with the nbt compound from string expression:
set {_n} to nbt compound from "{someNBT:1}"
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt {_n}

set {_nbt} to nbt compound from "{myCustomNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt {_nbt}

add nbt compound of "{SomeNBT:1}" to nbt compound of player
# OR
set {_n} to nbt compound from  "{SomeNBT:1}"
add {_n} to nbt compound of player
This change will most likely happen in SkBee 1.18.0. I just wanted to give everyone plenty of time to switch over to using NBT compounds.

Release News:
- Statistics
- Villager elements (level, experience, profession, type)
- Merchant elements (merchants, merchant recipes, trade select event)
- Update particle effect to include force
- New /skbee info command (used for debugging purposes)
- New update checker (will print in console if an update is available)
- Expression for getting ticks/seconds/minutes/hours from a timespan
- Potion change event
- Show demo screen effect
- Effect to load/unload a chunk (with optional ticket)
- Breed event, event values, expression for breed event entities (parents, baby, breeder)
- Advancement objects, event, expressions
- WorldBorder elements (including virtual world borders for players)
- Expression to get/set spell of a spell caster
In a future release of SkBee, NBT related syntax that uses strings will be removed, and SkBee will focus on the use of NBT compounds.
This is mainly due to the mess of code I have had to write for string related NBT, and I want to work on cleaning this all up.

Example of what will be removed:
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt "{someNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt "{myCustomNBT:1}"
Don't worry though, cause these simply can be replaced with the nbt compound from string expression:
set {_n} to nbt compound from "{someNBT:1}"
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt {_n}

set {_nbt} to nbt compound from "{myCustomNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt {_nbt}
I'm not totally sure WHICH version of SkBee this change will happen, I just wanted to give everyone plenty of time to switch over to using NBT compounds.

Release News:
- Fixed an issue when merging NBT compounds of blocks/entities
- Fixed an issue when trying to remove a bound (error saying can not create bound)