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Small Fixes [3.4.3]

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@ShaneBeee ShaneBeee released this 29 Mar 03:31
· 2 commits to master since this release


⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ :

Big breaking change coming soon.

As many of you have heard, Minecraft has restructured the NBT of items coming in the 1.20.5 release.
With that, a lot of your guys' NBT code for items will break.
The next release which updates NBT for Minecraft 1.20.5, I will be making a breaking change to NBT tag syntax.
The tag expression without %nbttype% is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Having undefined tags has lead to massive amounts of janky code internally in SkBee, which has caused problems so many times.
I've wanted to remove this for quite some time now, and I feel with Minecraft's breaking changes coming, this will be the perfect > opportunity to get this done.
set tag "Damage" of nbt of player's tool to 100 👎🏻
set int tag "Damage" of nbt of player's tool to 100 👍🏻



  • SkBee requires Minecraft 1.18.2+
  • Support: Our team will only offer support for the latest release of each Minecraft major release, ex: 1.20.4 is supported, but 1.20, > 1.20.1, 1.20.2 and 1.20.3 will NOT receive supported (SkBee may run on these versions, but our team will not provide support)


  • This version requires Skript 2.7+ (This is due to API changes in Skript)

🛠️ THIS UPDATE 🧑🏼‍🍳:


  • Fixed an issue with damage source not working without direct entity
  • Fixed min/max issues for fishing (thanks @Fusezion)
  • Fixed JitPack not working with builds (developer thing)


  • Just in time for Easter... another Easter egg was thrown in! ENJOY! (Thanks @honkling)