
Script SkAuction 1.1

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.11
  2. 1.12

Hello, this skript adds auction to your server where your players can buy and sell items. Inspired by AuctionHouse plugin.

Green-Done Red-Coming soon

  • Easy menu to sell items via Gui
  • 100% support custom items(Enchants,durability,NBT,lore,names,book text)
  • Fully automatized pages(without limits)
  • Time duration in auction(can be increased by money)
  • Anti-duplicating system
  • Auctioner via Citizens ( you can use SkAuction without citizens too)
  • 100% configurable(now like 80%)
     # ---------------  GENERAL ------------------- #
        nameofnpc: &bAuctioner
        Prefix: &6&lAuction&f>>
        page: &1Page
        PreviousPage: red clay named "&cPrevious page" with lore "&7It will return you to previous page."
        NextPage: green clay named "&aNext page" with lore "&7It will move you to next page."
        AddItem: diamond named "&eAdd item to auction" with lore "&7By click you will open menu."
        SellerFormat: &9Seller&f: &e #Final format is like {@SellerFormat}Player
        PriceFormat:  &9Price&f: &e
        TimeFormat: &9Time&f: &e
        IdFormat: &9ID&f: &e #Don't change this too much or it will do issues
        TimeHours: Hour(s)
        Cancel: &cCancel
        Sold: &aSold
    # --------------- GUI FOR PUTTING ITEMS TO AUCTION ----------- #
        Information1: book named "&9&lInformation" with lore "&7There you will choose which item||&7you wanna sell. Move item to empty slot"
        Information2: book named "&9&lInformation" with lore "&7There you can set your duration of item ||&7in auction, for 48 hours you have to pay 100$"
        Information3: book named "&9&lInformation" with lore "&7There you will choose by how much||&7you will increase money by clicking buttons"
        PriceGUI: &c&lPrice of item
        PrePriceGUI: &c&lChoose your money increasing.
        TimeGUI: &c&lSelect Time.
        ItemGUI: &c&lPut item.
        Confirm: emerald block named "&aConfirm"
        Confirm2: light green clay named "&aConfirm"
        AddPrice: light green clay named "&aAdd"
        RemovePrice: red clay named "&cRemove"
        # If you change time to like 22 hours it won't affect anything it will be again 24 hours, but in next update i'll do it
        Time24: 24 name tag named "&c24 Hours" with lore "&7Click here, and duration of item in auction will be 24 hours."
        PaxBonusTime: 100
        Time48: 48 name tag named "&c48 Hours" with lore "&7Click here, and duration of item in auction will be 48 hours.||||&c&lPrice:||&6{@PaxBonusTime}$"
        Moneyincreasingtype1: 100
        Moneyincreasingtype2: 1000
        Moneyincreasingtype3: 10000
    # ---------------- COMMANDS ------------------ #
        Command: Auction
        PermissionPlayer: auction.command
        PermissionAdmin: auction.admin
        PermMsg: &eYou haven't permission for this.
        ErrorSign: &eYou must look on sign.
        MailCreated: &eMail was created.
    # ---------------- MAIL ------------------ #
        refreshbutton: paper named "&cRefresh" with lore "&7It will refresh your mail"
        nameofmail: &1Mail
        Mail1stline: &d[Mail]
        Mail2ndline: &8There are deposited
        Mail3rdline: items that expired
        Collected: &aCollected
    # -------------- MESSAGES --------------- #
        ErrorYourItem:&eYou can't buy your items.
        ErrorMoney: &eYou have not enough of money.
        Sendedtomail: &eYou had full inventory so item was sended to mail.
        BuyingInformation: &e%player% bought your item for &c%{_cislo}%&e$ #Don't remove {_cislo} it means how much he spend for it
        ItemDoesntExist: &eThis item someone bought or duration of Time just expired.
        ErrorFullInventory: &eYou have full inventory.
  • MySQL(for websites)
  • Option to remove your items from auction
  • YML config
  • Blacklist for some items

  • /Auction - Shows all commands from SkAuction
  • /Auction open - opens auction
  • /Auction mail - opens mail
  • /Auction createnpc - makes npc on your location
  • /Auction createmail - makes targeted sign as mail
For /Auction createmail/createnpc you need permission auction.admin
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