Sk-VSC Syntax Highlighting [OPEN SOURCE]

Skript Tools Sk-VSC Syntax Highlighting [OPEN SOURCE] 2.6.3

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HYPExMon5ter (Original Creator)

Originally created by @HYPExMon5ter , his credits are reserved.

What's new in this fork?
- Added new Skript syntaxes.
- Improved/Fixed some old syntaxes.
- Created new syntax highlighting themes.

This is fully supported in Visual Studio Vode (VSC) and supports more syntaxes and fixes there. Link

• I never liked coding without getting in the mood of coding, which requires some modern, dark themes and a nice syntax highlighting, I was lucky to find HYPExMon5ter's Syntax highlighting and I've used it for some time but then got bored a bit again.. so I decided to make my own forked version and learn some very simple stuff about Syntax Highlighting just so I can make my this and use it.



# Visual Studio Code
1. Use Extensions Tab within VSC
2. Search for Skript
3. Download & Install Sk-VSC
# Sublime Text 3 (Not recommended)
1. Download Sublime Text 3 (Of course!)
2. Download Sk-ST3 (Of course!)
3. Install Material Theme on ST3 (Optional) (This will complete the background theme and to get in the mood)
4. Copy Sk-ST3.sublime-package to %appdata%/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages

5. Go to ST3's tools bar > Preferences > Theme > Material-Theme.sublime-theme (Optional if you have installed the them) - SCREENSHOT
Go to ST3's tools bar > Preferences > Color Scheme > search for Sk-ST3 - SCREENSHOT
Open any .sk/.yml file and go to ST3's tools bar > View> Syntax > Sk.ST3 - SCREENSHOT
Make sure to add "Bold" option to font options in ST3 Settings
[INDENT]    "font_face": "Andale Mono Regular",[/INDENT]
[INDENT]    "font_options":[/INDENT]
[INDENT]        "gray_antialias",[/INDENT]
[INDENT]        "subpixel_antialias",[/INDENT]
[INDENT]        "bold"[/INDENT]
[INDENT]    "font_size": 11,[/INDENT]
[INDENT]    "highlight_line": true,


• There are some bugs (Regex codes) that might appear sometimes when using lots of % symbol in 1 line and using a couple variables inside another.
Important comment sometimes set the next line to gray color as a comment but it's not.
+ Most of these bugs I will be trying to fix when I finish my study and exams that will begin at Jan 2019
Probably I will not update to this Forked version until I finish my exams, if any of you would like to help and fix any bugs and send the fixes to me to upload I would really appreciate it and give you credits of course.


If you like this please don't forget to leave a review :emoji_slight_smile:

Have a great day everyone.
Ayham Alali
First release
Last update
4.67 star(s) 6 ratings

More resources from Ayham Alali

Latest updates

  1. [v2.6.3] New theme 'Shades of Purple'

    NOTE: This update has no changes for Sublime Text 3. VSC Extension Link: Click Here
  2. VSCode New Theme, Fixes, New Grammars

    NOTE: This update has no changes for Sublime Text 3. VSC Extension Link: Click Here
  3. Added VSCode Support [v2.5.0]

    NOTE: This update has no changes for Sublime Text 3, this only adds support for Visual Studio...

Latest reviews

very useful.
Ayham Alali
Ayham Alali
Thanks for the review ♥
This is a great syntax highlight! My only remark is it overrides Sublime Text's default YAML and a downloaded MCFUNCTION syntax highlighting. If ST3 had a way to make the color scheme only for the filetype and not the entire program, that would make this and the rest of my syntax adventures that much better.

Aside from that, what a great addition!
Ayham Alali
Ayham Alali
Thanks for the review ♥

I had the same issue with that, I kept switching syntax highlighting when using other languages.

The solution needs the whole syntax naming to be changed to the standard naming and that will keep some or most colors for other languages.

Currently this is less maintained on ST3, but I'm working more on it on VSCode, you can check it out there it supports some keywords from other languages as well.
it works
Ayham Alali
Ayham Alali
Thanks for the review ♥
Ayham Alali
Ayham Alali
Thanks for the review ♥
It looks very nice, only could you make one for Atom? the current one kinda sucks, and this one looks so good!
Ayham Alali
Ayham Alali
Thanks for the review ♥
I will try that :)
Amazing package ! I use to have the piratjsk's one, and I was bored of it... But please can you add color codes ? like &6 or &d etc ? ex:
and maybe put the code on GitHub ? :)
Ayham Alali
Ayham Alali
Thanks for your lovely review ♥

I'm working on a small update to support more syntax and I will add your suggestion to the next update.

Also, I'm going to upload it on Github.

Have a great coding ;)