- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.14
Any error or bug not paste them on the home page, use private message
An easy script to install, configure and use.
- Skript
- Vault
- Any Economy Plugin
How do I create a Shop?
Shop where users can buy items:
Write: »
Shop where users can sell items:
Write: »
An easy script to install, configure and use.
- Skript
- Vault
- Any Economy Plugin
How do I create a Shop?
Shop where users can buy items:
Write: »
Shop where users can sell items:
Write: »
signBuy: [SBuy]
signSell: [SSell]
prefix: &6[SignShop] &e
shopCreated: The Shop was created successfully.
shopRemoved: The Shop was successfully removed.
itemBuy: You bought &7x%{_2}% &7%{_3}% &efor &a$%{_4}%.
itemSell: You sold &7x%{_2}% &7%{_3}% &efor &a$%{_4}%.
itemNotBuy: You don't have enough money to buy this!
itemNotSell: You don't have enough items to sell!
errorLine2: Error on line 2: It is not a number
errorLine3: Error on line 3: It is not a item
errorLine4: Error on line 4: It is not a number
noPermission: &eYou do not have permissions to do that!
loadName: &6&lSignShop &ev
version: 1.0.4
/signshop help - signshop.command
/signshop reload - signshop.command
/signshop example - signshop.command
[Create shop] - signshop.create
[Remove shop] - signshop.remove
[Buy] - signshop.buy
[Sell] - signshop.sell