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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.8
  2. 1.9
  3. 1.10
  4. 1.11
  5. 1.12
  6. 1.13
  7. 1.14
  8. 1.15
  9. 1.16
Shop API

Start creating GUI Shops with ease!

Create GUI Shops without having to have extensive lines of code laying below it.

Shop API is customizable in the config. ONLY edit
if you know what you are doing.

This script allows you to create GUI Shops without having to create tons of code for a Shop GUI. It uses functions with creates everything needed. Overall its a simple, innovative script.



First release
Last update
4.00 star(s) 1 ratings

More resources from Kyrizmo

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I mean it works but it’s too simple, having some sort of other GUI that you get directed into (like shop GUI plus) I feel would be better.