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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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David D.
Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.8
Languages: Deutsch | English

The ScoreboardAPI is an API which helps you setting up a scoreboard with only 3 steps. The Syntaxes you can find in the part below.

wipeSidebar(p: player, name: text)
 So, for example you can do:  wipeSidebar(player, "&f&lYourServer.NET")
     player = the target who's scoreboard should be created       
     "&f&lYourServer.NET" = the name of the scoreboard which should be created
setScore(p: player, score: number, id: text, text: text)
 So, for example you can do:  setScore(player, 10, "Scoreboard.Coins", "&6%{coins.%player%}% Coins")
     player = the target who's scoreboard should be created       
     10 = the score of the line which should be created, so as number       
     "Scoreboard.Coins" = the id of the score/line which should be created
     "&6%{coins.%player%}% Coins" = the text which should be created
editScore(p: player, score: number, id: text, text: text)
 So, for example you can do:  editScore(player, 10, "Scoreboard.Coins", "&6%{coins.%player%}% Coins")
     player = the target who's scoreboard should be edited       
     10 = the score of the line which should be edited, so as number       
     "Scoreboard.Coins" = the id of the score/line which should be edited
     "&6%{coins.%player%}% Coins" = the text which should be edited

scoreboard (1).png scoreboard (1).png scoreboard (1).png scoreboard (1).png scoreboard (1).png scoreboard (1).png scoreboard (1).png scoreboard (1).png scoreboard (1).png scoreboard (1).png scoreboard (1).png scoreboard (1).png

Die ScoreboardAPI ist eine API, die dir ermöglicht ein Scoreboard mit nur 3 Schritten zu erstellen!

wipeSidebar(p: player, name: text)
 So, zum Beispiel:  wipeSidebar(player, "&f&lDeinServer.NET")
     player = Der Spieler dessen Scoreboard erstellt werden soll   
     "&f&lDeinServer.NET" = Der Scoreboardname der erstellt werden soll
setScore(p: player, score: number, id: text, text: text)
 So, zum Beispiel:  setScoresetScore(player, 10, "Scoreboard.Coins", "&6%{coins.%player%}% Münzen")
     player = Der Spieler dessen Scoreboard erstellt werden soll   
     10 = Die Zeile des Scores welcher erstellt wird
     "Scoreboard.Coins" = Die ID des Scores der erstellt werden soll
     "&6%{coins.%player%}% Münzen" = Der Text der erstellt werden soll
editScore(p: player, score: number, id: text, text: text)
 So, zum Beispiel:  editScore(player, 10, "Scoreboard.Coins", "&6%{coins.%player%}% Münzen")
     player = Der Spieler dessen Scoreboard geändert werden soll   
     10 = Die Zeile des Scores welcher geändert wird
     "Scoreboard.Coins" = Die ID des Scores der geändert werden soll
     "&6%{coins.%player%}% Münzen" = Der Text der geändert werden soll

If you have a question, you can ask it and I'll try to answer it as fast as I can.

Wenn du eine Frage hast, kannst du sie mir stellen. Ich werde versuchen, diese so schnell wie möglich zu beantworten.

You can donate if you want :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Donation link: paypal.me/DDvid
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