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Help command is /rc help
Broadcasts are now updated/added (YOU CAN ADD AND REMOVE AND EDIT THEM!)
HUGE BIG Thanks to @ShaneBee for helping me.
Every broadcast message will be sent to the players not console (FIXED)

A lot of things is now updated that i'm too lazy to explain! Download it now!
/bcadd <id> <message> To add a broadcast message
/bcremove <id> To remove a broadcast message
/bclist Shows all broadcasts messages with ids
/realcore: /rc help Shows help page of the script
This time, this update won't ever show a single error, Please if you got an error, understand that its your fault, you might have something wrong.
All requirements:
- Skellet
- skRayfall
- skUtilties
- SkQuery
- TuSKe
All conditions and effects errors have been fixed, Please if you got any simple error like (Excepted 8 spaces, bla) Everyone can fix it. If you got any other error for conditions, effects or these things, consider adding me on discord: Toreo#1450

And please, Make sure you have all requirements.
WARNING: This script will rarely get updates, If you got errors, it's because of spaces and tabs. i already fixed it but its not working.
- Report has been updated when doing /report, it shows hack and other list.
- /pl /plugins and all bugs has been fixed
- Added new Multi-world support scoreboards (World, end, nether)
- Added AntiSwear
- Added AntiSpam 3 seconds delay
- NEW CONFIG WILL BE DISPLAYED IN plugins FOLDER, it will be Realcore\config.yml For prefix and messages
- Mixed IPBan with /ban, and removed /ipban
- NEW mention system
- NEW Reload Command, /rcreload
- Removed /clearmychat and /clearpublicchat, and set to aliases to /cmc and /cpc

- the .sk file is now better looking.
- A little present which is NEW SERVER MOTD!
- What to add more? AntiAdvertising, Review this skript, and tell me suggestions :emoji_slight_smile:
| Added reload command. /rcreload
| Added the biggest thing ever, NEW SCOREBOARD! Multi worlds support, Prefix can be changed in the .sk file in options (p, p1, p2) Just change prefix and your done :emoji_slight_smile:
Just added Ban Manager, Which will help you with banning players, /ban <player> <reason>, This is v2.0 BETA, so if there's any bugs, please report it in my discord.
/ban <player> <reason>
/kick <player> <reason>
/ipban <player> <reason>
/unban <player>
/baninfo <player> (Only if banned)
/warn <player> <reason>
Also updated the report system!
Added a pretty cool broadcast message, when a player is warned or banned or kicked.


What are the new features tho?
Custom /help is removed and replaced to be bug reports and these things. /help <message>

Plugins hider has been edited, and it's now 100% better

/staffhelp is now updated, It shows admins commands + information (what is admin's job)

fixed /bc bug:
Sending /bc <none> to general chat.

The last feature is Player mentions When mentioning a player, it will be replaced to @<playername> and play a sound to the mentioned player.

During the update, 3 commands were removed, /corever, /realcore, /rinfo
Because they seem useless

You want to report bugs? or suggest more things for RealCore? Join my discord!