
Script RandomTP 1.2.0

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.12
  2. 1.13
An easy to use tool, for your players to randomly teleport around the world.

This script has a lot of configurable options allowing you to adapt it to the needs of your server. Check out the features below.

- Random teleports will not place you in water
- Random teleports will almost always put you on the ground (sometimes in caves up on mountains)
- Configurable max distances from the center of your world
- Configurable prefix and message colors
- Configurable delays and cooldowns for the RTP command
- Configurable cost for RTP command (Default is 0)
- Version checker, always keep up to date with the newest version of this Skript
- Admin command to teleport other players to random spots, can also be used in console or in other plugins
- Safety Check - (Default=Off) When enabled, the player will receive a message if the chunk they are about to TP to is unsafe, also, a tiny little delay while it looks for another safe chunk to TP the player to.

[Tested with Bensku 2.3.1]
+ Vault supported economy plugin


/rtp or /wild - Teleports the player to a random location
/rtp <player> - Teleport another player to a random location
/rtp help - Gives you the help menu
/rtp reload - Reloads the RandomTP config
/rtp version - Checks for an update, and sends you the current/updated versions

- rtp.use - Use the RTP command
- rtp.cooldown.bypass - Bypass the command cooldown
- rtp.delay.bypass - Bypass the command delay
- rtp.admin - Teleport other players

Things to do:
- Add RTP signs
- Add configurable blacklist/whitelist for blocks to TP onto
- Add configurable blacklist/whitelist for biomes to TP into

1) Install Skript on your server if you haven't already.
2) Install all dependencies as per plugin instructions.
3) Place rtp.sk into the scripts folder under plugins/Skript/scripts
4) Restart server or run /skript reload all
5) Give player's the appropriate permissions

Please do not use reviews for help. If you post in reviews for support you will not receive support, as I can only reply to your review, and not have a conversation back and forth.

Terms of Service:
You may not copy this resource and post it as your own.
You MAY edit this Skript to suit your needs, but if you do choose to edit it, you may lose support.

Please use the discussion area for support, I will do my best to help.

Feel free to donate if you would like :emoji_slight_smile: Any support helps out
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Reactions: Wesley and Hexivoid
Deleted member 5254
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

Latest updates

  1. New Config + Small Fixes

    ADDED: - A new yaml config, this way when updates come out you won't need to keep changing the...

Latest reviews

I can not download the skript ;(
Very handy skript! It works on 1.8.8, it is very easy to use!
Deleted member 5254
Thank you for the great review.
Im glad to hear it is working for you on 1.8.8 and you are enjoying it :)