- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.7
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
Top kills
Auto join
Config.yml and Messages.yml
Top kills in signs!
And more...
/kitpvp or /kp
- main command.
/kitpvp join
- Join to KitPvP.
/kitpvp leave
- Leave from KitPvP.
/kitpvp stats
- Shows your stats in a GUI.
/kitpvp stats <player>
- Shows player statics.
/kitpvp top
- Shows top kills in a GUI.
/kitpvp shop
- Shows shop in a GUI.
/kitpvp coins
- Shows coins.
/kitpvp setspawn
- Sets the join location.
/kitpvp setlobby
- Sets the leave location.
/kitpvp addcoins <player> <amount>
- Add coins to the player.
/kitpvp autojoin
- Enable/disable auto join.
/kitpvp reload
- Reload the skript.
/kitpvp achievements
- Open achievements in a GUI.
Top kills signs setup:
Line 1: [KitPvPKills]
Line 2: (1, 2, 3 , 4 or 5)
for server administrator.
for vip's.
This screenshots is old (v1.0 Alpha version)
- kits whit abilities (Like kitbattle)
- More options in config.yml and messages.yml
The installation process
1. Download all dependencies
- https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/skript/
- https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/skquery/
- https://www.skunity.com/SharpSK
- https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/wildskript/
- https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/skrayfall/
2. Paste the downloaded files in your plugins folder
3. Start your server in order to install those dependencies
4. Download ProximKitPvP.sk in the latest version posible
5. Paste the file in "plugins/Skript/scripts"
6. Go to skript and put your kitpvp world
7. Restart your server
- mc.lethalg.us (Owner: @WaxtzCraft)
send your server to list him
If you find a bug please contact me.
Skype: live:waxtz
Discord: https://discord.gg/FDjzKhm
forgive my English is bad.