- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
- 1.13
- 1.14
- 1.15
- 1.16
What's PlayerTrash
PlayerTrash is a script that allow players to have private trashs.
Commands and permissions:
Command: /trash
Description: Open your trash
Permission: playertrash.opentrash
Command: /cleartrash
Description: Clear your trash
Permission: playertrash.cleartrash
Command: /opentrash <player (If OnlineMode is enabled in the config, use the player UUID)>
Description: Open the trash of other player (recommended to admins)
Permission: playertrash.opentrash.others
Configuration (The configuration is inside the script)
PlayerTrash is a script that allow players to have private trashs.
Commands and permissions:
Command: /trash
Description: Open your trash
Permission: playertrash.opentrash
Command: /cleartrash
Description: Clear your trash
Permission: playertrash.cleartrash
Command: /opentrash <player (If OnlineMode is enabled in the config, use the player UUID)>
Description: Open the trash of other player (recommended to admins)
Permission: playertrash.opentrash.others
Configuration (The configuration is inside the script)
OnlineModeServer: true
#If the server is Premium/ Online Mode, leave true. Default = true
ClearTrashlOnClose: false
#Clear the trash on close. Default = false
GUIName: &0&lYour Trash.
#The name of the Trash GUI. Default = &0&lYour Trash
OpenGUIMessage: &a&lYou opened &0&lYour Trash.
#A chat message when open Trash GUI. If don't want, leave blank. Default = &a&lYou opened &0&lYour Trash
ClearTrashCommand: true
#Use the command to clear the trash (/cleartrash). Default = true
DisabedClearTrashCommandMessage: &4Sorry, this command is disabled.
#If the command to clear the trash is disabled, shows a message in the chat. Default = &4Sorry, this command is disabled
ClearedTrashMessage: &a&lYour Trash was cleared.
#If the command to clear the trash is enabled and the player cleared his/her trash, shows a message in te chat. Default = &a&lYour trash was cleared
NoPermissionMessage: &4You don't have permission for this.
#If the player don't have permission for a command, shows this message. Default = &4You don't have permission for this.
NotFoundPlayer: &4That player doesn't exists or don't have a trash.
#When an admin open other trash and that trash don't exists or that player don't exists, shows this message. Default = &4That player doesn't exists or don't have a trash.