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MinecraftMan1013, Zabrid, iPlexy
Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.14
  2. 1.15
  3. 1.16
  4. 1.17
This script is a simple function. All you need to do in order to use this function is create a GUI, then format it as you like, and use this function to format the edges.

Here is a simple example of how you could use this.
command /outlinegui:
    permission: op
        set {_gui} to a chest inventory with 5 rows with name "&eTest Inventory"
        set {_gui} to outlineGUI({_gui}, 5, black stained glass pane named "&a")
        open {_gui} to player

With Skellett
If you have Skellett, you can use the Size of inventory expression for the second parameter (

Example with Skellett:
command /outlinegui:
    permission: op
        set {_gui} to a chest inventory with 5 rows with name "&eTest Inventory"
        set {_gui} to outlineGUI({_gui}, inventory size of {_gui}, black stained glass pane named "&a")
        open {_gui} to player
First release
Last update
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More resources from MinecraftMan1013

Latest updates

  1. More Function Fixes

    Fixed outlining last row (thanks @Zabrid) Added a message for if the GUI size is too big
  2. Function Fix

    Fixed the function parameter by adding a parameter for the size