Mod Mode➜ A /modmode Command | a simple way to moderate

Script Mod Mode➜ A /modmode Command | a simple way to moderate 2.5

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.8
  2. 1.9
  3. 1.10
  4. 1.11
  5. 1.12
  6. 1.13
  7. 1.14
New Project (6).png

> Teleport Compass - Teleport to location of targeted Block (still working without Essentials.)

> Player Inspector - Open player's inventory and let us see information of player (gamemode, fly mode, location, world, UUID, Minecraft Version, Online Time, and first login.)

> Mining Players - Opens a gui with a list of players mining under height 40.

> Vanish - Enables or Disables (vanish yourself to other players, excluding people on mod mode, they can see you.)

> MM List - Opens a gui with all players with permission "modmode.use" (even offline players) where you can see online time, minecraft version, gamemode, fly mode, location and world of a moderator.

> Random Player TP - Like the name says, allows you to teleport randomly to other players.

> Settings & Utilities - Opens a gui where you can enable or disable your Ores Alert and Staff Chat, mute or unmute chat and clear chat (players with permission modmode.use can see who cleared or muted chat).

> Spy chests, barrels and shulker boxes without any sound or animation.

- (/modmode or /mm can be used)
> /mm sc - Enable or Disable Staff Chat
> /mm ores - Enable or Disable Ores Alert
> /mm echest - Opens your own Ender Chest
> /mm wb - Opens a Workbench
> /mm cc - Clear Global Chat Messages

> /mm mc - Enable or Disable Mute Chat
> /mm help - Sends you a clickable message with commands list


Addons: SkQuery, Skellet, TuSKe

Any idea for a new script?
send me a private message and we'll talk about it
First release
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Latest updates

  1. New Features and Addons

    Needed Addons: SkQuery, Skellet and TuSKe (to add new features) # Now you can spy chests...
  2. New Features / Bug Fixes and 1.8-1.14

    New Features: * Staff Chat (can be disabled with commands or /modmode items) * Ores Alert (iron...