
Script MarrySK 1.1

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.14
So I made a little script to allow people to get married.


- You can get married, divorce and get some advantages when you are in couple.
- When you are married, you can have a private chat.
- You can tp to your partner (can be disabled by the server owner in "options" section or by one member of the couple)
- You can send gift to your partner (same as tp, can be disabled two ways)


/marry help : shows the help pannel
/marry ask <player> : send a proposal to the player
/marry accept <player> : accept the proposal of a player
/divorce : divorce from your partner
/marry chat : enable and disable the private marriage chat
/marry tp : tp you to your partner
/marry tp-allow : allow your partner to tp to you
/marry tp-deny : deny your partner to tp to you
/marry gift : sends the item you hold to your partner as a gift


No main Skript AddOn required! This script just requires Skript plugin.
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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  1. Fixes and Improvements Update

    Corrections : Language correction. (messages correction, command not allowed option, ...)...

Latest reviews

A nice marriage skript, easy to use. I'd recommend it for anyone who wants to get married in minecraft or wants people to marry in minecraft!