- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.14
Manage Player
So I made a script to allow admins to easily manage their players.
So I made a script to allow admins to easily manage their players.

- You can manage your players with a GUI : see their inventory, their enderchest, freeze/unfreeze/mute/demute then, tp to them...
- Ban and kick options are improved.

/manage help : shows the help pannel
/manage <player> : shows the manage GUI of a player
/minfo <player> : shows the police record of a player
/minfo-delete <player> : deletes the police record of a player
/ban <player> [reason] : modified command to ban a player
/pardon <player> : modified command to unban a player
/kick <player> [reason] : modified command to kick a player

No main Skript AddOn required! This script just requires Skript plugin.