[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] indentation error: expected 1 tab, but found 2 tabs (lockout.sk, line 63: if {lockout::%player's uuid%::status} is not set:')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] indentation error: expected 1 tab, but found 3 tabs (lockout.sk, line 64: lockoutMsg("{@login}", player)')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] indentation error: expected 1 tab, but found 3 tabs (lockout.sk, line 65: cancel event')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] can't understand this event: 'function lockoutMsg(msg: text, p: player)' (lockout.sk, line 23: function lockoutMsg(msg: text, p: player):')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] can't understand this event: 'function lockoutBlock(p: player) :: boolean' (lockout.sk, line 26: function lockoutBlock(p: player) :: boolean:')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] can't understand this event: 'function lockoutSalt(p: text) :: text' (lockout.sk, line 35: function lockoutSalt(p: text) :: text:')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: lockoutMsg("You must set a lockout password with /lockout [password]!", player) (lockout.sk, line 41: lockoutMsg("{@setpassword}", player)')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: lockoutMsg("You must login with /login [password]!", player) (lockout.sk, line 43: lockoutMsg("{@login}", player)')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] 'lockoutBlock(player)' is not an entity type (lockout.sk, line 47: if lockoutBlock(player) is false:')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] 'lockoutBlock(attacker)' is not an entity type (lockout.sk, line 51: if lockoutBlock(attacker) is false:')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] 'lockoutBlock(victim)' is not an entity type (lockout.sk, line 53: if lockoutBlock(victim) is false:')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] can't understand this event: 'on any movement' (lockout.sk, line 56: on any movement:')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] 'if command' is not an entity type (lockout.sk, line 62: if command is not "lockout" or "login"')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] 'lockoutBlock(player)' is not an entity type (lockout.sk, line 68: if lockoutBlock(player) is false:')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: lockoutMsg("You must set a lockout password with /lockout [password]!", player) (lockout.sk, line 78: lockoutMsg("{@setpassword}", player)')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: lockoutMsg("You must enter a password!", player) (lockout.sk, line 81: lockoutMsg("{@enterpass}", player)')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] 'lockoutSalt(arg 1)' is not an entity type (lockout.sk, line 83: if {lockout::%player's uuid%} is not lockoutSalt(arg 1):')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: lockoutMsg("Successfully logged in.", player) (lockout.sk, line 86: lockoutMsg("{@loginsuccess}", player)')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: lockoutMsg("You are already logged in!", player) (lockout.sk, line 89: lockoutMsg("{@alreadyloggedin}", player)')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: lockoutMsg("You already have a password set!", player) (lockout.sk, line 94: lockoutMsg("{@passwordset}", player)')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: lockoutMsg("You must enter a password!", player) (lockout.sk, line 97: lockoutMsg("{@enterpass}", player)')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] 'lockoutSalt(arg 1)' is not an entity type (lockout.sk, line 99: set {lockout::%player's uuid%} to lockoutSalt(arg 1)')
[15:33:55 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: lockoutMsg("Password set!", player) (lockout.sk, line 100: lockoutMsg("{@passsuccess}", player)')