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Bee things

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@TheLimeGlass TheLimeGlass released this 17 Oct 07:51
· 155 commits to master since this release
	- Bee nectar condition
		- %bees% (has|have) nectar
		- %bees% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have nectar
	- Bee stung condition
		- %bees% (has|have) stung
		- %bees% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have stung
	- Bee anger level expression, changers SET, returns NUMBER
		- [bee] anger level of %bees%
		- %bees%'[s] [bee] anger level
	- Bee nectar expression, changers SET, returns BOOLEAN
		- [bee] nectar of %bees%
		- %bees%'[s] [bee] nectar
	- Bee cannot enter hive ticks expression, changers SET, returns NUMBER
		- cannot enter hive ticks of %bees%
		- %bees%'[s] cannot enter hive ticks
	- Bee flower location condition
		- %bees% (has|have) [a] flower [location]
		- %bees% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] flower [location]
	- Bee flower location expression, changers SET, returns LOCATION (potentially not set)
		- flower location of %bees%
		- %bees%'[s] flower location
	- Bee hive location condition
		- %bees% (has|have) [a] hive [location]
		- %bees% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] hive [location]
	- Bee hive location expression, changers SET, returns LOCATION (potentially not set)
		- hive location of %bees%
		- %bees%'[s] hive location
	- LivingEntity item pickup status expression, changers SET, returns BOOLEAN
		- pickup items status of %livingentities%
		- %livingentities%'[s] pickup items status
	- LivingEntity item pickup status condition
		- %bees% can pickup items
		- %bees% (can't|cannot|can not) pickup items
	- Entity is in vehicle condition
		- %entities% (is|are) in[side] [a] vehicle
		- %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) in[side] [a] vehicle