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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.11
  2. 1.12
All this Skript does is give you a fully customizable improved death message system for your server.
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

Latest reviews

This is a really nice script because it actually helps and can teach people on what events you can use with player death, or at least what it was caused by, also it just saves a ton of time.
thanks lol

really good and yeah i was too lazy to do "if was caused by bla" so thanks for saving my time
Friend i love it thank you for sharing works well and does what i wanted to get done
Looks good! I do not know if I will use the script, but I will think about it, if I need it. Thank you for explaining (via script) how to change the death messages for each type of death.