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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.7
  2. 1.8
Requires: SkQuery, Skript 2.1.2 which is the tested version I don't know if versions above 2.1.2 work so no hate if they don't

This skript is a super simple way to set/delete homes and also has a very nice gui when doing /homes

/sethome <name>: Set A home
/home <name>: Teleport to a home and if you want to list the homes don't provide a argument ex: /home
/delhome <name>: Delete a home you have set.
/homes: Opens a gui with all your homes that you have set
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

More resources from DarklordX89

Latest updates

  1. Bug fixed -DelhomeGui

    /delhome no longer has a gui due to many bugs I experienced sorry if it was buggy in that version
  2. Bug Fix

    Fixed a bug with /delhome. Bug: when providing a home with /delhome it would open the gui not...
  3. Updated Something with 1.1 Update

    /delhome no longer closes the inventory allowing you to delete homes very fast