
Addon GravesX

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This should fix some bugs with events causing errors in some instances
  • Added support for 1.21.3
  • GravesX now has an official API. Developers can look here to learn how to hook into our plugin
  • Removed Graveyards code (never was functional, but is coming back as an addon soon. Any plugins that hooked into GravesX to make graveyards functional(ish) will no longer function)
  • Heads and obituaries can now be naturally dropped (default: false)
  • Storage type being set to EXACT will no longer allow inventory interaction
  • Sound will now play upon death
  • Fixed some bugs with H2 database option. If you still encounter the error, check here.
  • Balance is now checked before the countdown occurs with teleport delay
  • Fixed graves becoming null in certain cases (Missing Block Data or block data being null)
  • Fixed migrations in certain conditions
  • Bumped config version to 17
Special thanks to @daretmavi @Pookachu @Tylorturner and @mizuo-san for the bug reports and @JaySmethers for helping with this update.
Fixes and Changes:
  • Database no longer reloads when using /graves reload as it destroys graves data in some instances. If you need to modify any data in the graves database, restarting the server is a safer option.
  • Added MySQL Warning when using MYSQL database option in config.yml, but the server is using MariaDB version 11 or newer.

  • Prevent plugin from disabling when using Microsoft SQL Server option.
  • Improved Database Loading.
With the amount of issues with graves backups, the decision was made to remove it entirely as it broke functionality. If you need to backup inventory data upon death, we recommend using InventoryRollbackPlus. For hard crashes, we are not able to control any affects of corrupted database data using H2 or SQLite. If you are worried about such issues, recommend switching to MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, or Microsoft SQL Server.

Changes this version:
  • Updated HikariCP to version 6.0.0
  • Updated H2 to 2.3.232
  • Dropped support for Java 8. Minimum supported is Java 11.
Starting this version, Java 8 support is dropped and is no longer supported. Graves now supports Java 11 and newer. This will allow us to use better java methods, which Java 8 doesn't support.
This update fixes the following issues found in
  • Fixed grave backup failing
  • Fixed not closing SQLite connection after migration to a new database
  • Microsoft SQL Server now connects properly.
  • Microsoft SQL Server version is now reported in bstats.
  • Particles now delays until the particle trail animation is completed (prevents spamming and lagging clients)
Added in
  • Added GraveCompassAddEvent, which fires when a grave compass is added to someone's inventory.
  • Added ``/graves tp``
  • Added FancyNpcs integration
  • Support for Floodgate
  • Integration Warnings and errors now display properly
  • Added Microsoft SQL support
  • H2 is now the default SQL option. (Read below)
  • Fixed nether roof bug in nether environmental worlds
  • Save backups of old graves (will work on interval next update)
  • Fix From To Listener for grave head
Why we are retiring SQLite in favor of H2 as the default database driver?
This change comes from our need for better performance and scalability, enabling us to manage larger datasets more efficiently. Unlike SQLite, which can only handle one query at a time, H2 allows for multiple queries to run simultaneously. This means we won't face issues with larger databases that exceed 25MB, leading to a smoother experience overall.
  • Fixed steve head bug on 1.21.1

  • Fixed ItemsAdder Furniture bug when break is disabled

  • Minedown now uses Minedown Adventure, which means the Minedown plugin is no longer required since its shaded.

  • Replaced SpigotLibraryLoader with Libby (That is why the file size is lower as Libby supports shading. This will create a folder called libs in the GravesX folder)

  • Revamped Graves Dump to include CPU information and Disk Read/Write information.

  • Fixed an issue where negative space would show up as negative bytes, which would create confusion

  • Updated bstats.

  • Grave Compass can now emit particles on compass interaction
Resolved the skull issue for spigot with how it handles Custom Grave Block Textures. This isn't a permanent fix, but will work for now until I figure a better way to implement this. For now, they will fallback to Player heads.

Read here:
This update pushes to fix an error with loading EntityMaps. No database purging required.

Also thanks to TylorTurner for finding this bug.
  • Added GraveLootedEvent - Fired when a grave is emptied
  • Preview a protected graves inventory - Will allow someone to preview inventory items when the grave is in a protected state (Disabled by default in grave.yml under the protection section)
  • Explode Protection - Allows old explosion behavior when exploding a grave in a protected area (works well for plugins that regenerate the terrain when exploding near a grave site)
  • Grave Heads will no longer pop out when an explosion occurs
  • Validate profile against spaces in the name (illegal usernames still exist I guess and newer minecraft versions validate this now :emoji_cry:
  • Updated Authlib to 6.0.55
  • This version compiles on 1.21.1 - getTopInventory is reflected, which prevents any bugs in 1.7-1.20.6
  • Grave Compasses can no longer be moved to anvils, furnace, blast furnace, smoker, grindstone, or hoppers through the inventory (Prevents XP farm exploit)
  • Bumped config version to 14
  • permission.yml and token.yml no longer resets upon config version updates.
Thanks to TylorTurner for the feature requests for this version.