Fly and Depth Limit

Script Fly and Depth Limit 1.0.0

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Supported Skript Version
  1. 2.6
Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.12
  2. 1.13
  3. 1.14
  4. 1.15
  5. 1.16

How It Works:​

  • Height Restriction: The script checks if any player’s Y-coordinate exceeds the height limit.
  • Teleportation: If the player is too high, they are teleported to the build limit’s Y-coordinate
  • Flight Disabled: If the player was flying, their flight mode is disabled after teleporting.
  • Kill below bedrock at Y-level 5
Feel free to edit this Script, I do believe their is a better way of doing this but this seems to be working on a small scale server where I had players launching them self straight up a couple million blocks in the air and crashing the server and people getting below bedrock and bricking themselves. The scripts seems to be taking almost zero resources with 75 mods and 72 plugins
First release
Last update
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