- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
- 1.13
- 1.14
- 1.15
- 1.16
What's EasyTeleports
EasyTeleports is a script that allow you to use commands like /spawn, /warp and /home
Commands and permissions:
Script config (Inside the .sk file):
EasyTeleports is a script that allow you to use commands like /spawn, /warp and /home
Commands and permissions:
Script config (Inside the .sk file):
Prefix: &e[&aETP&e]
OnlineModeServer: true
NoPermissionCommand: &4&lYou don't have permission to use that command.
SpawnOnJoin: true
SetSpawnMessage: &eSpawn was set at your location.
NoSpawnSetMessage: &4The spawn is not set.
TeleportedToSpawnMessage: &aYou were teleported to the spawn.
SetHomeMessage: &eHome %arg-1%&e was set at your location.
NoHomeSetMessage: &4%arg-1%&4 was not set.
TeleportedToHomeMessage: &aYou were teleported to %arg-1%.
ListHomes: &aYour homes: &e
DelHomeMessage: &eYour home %arg-1%&e was deleted.
SetWarpMessage: &eWarp %arg-1%&e was set at your location.
NoWarpSetMessage: &4%arg-1%&4 was not set.
TeleportedToWarpMessage: &aYou were teleported to %arg-1%
ListWarps: &aWarps: &e
DelWarpMessage: &eWarp %arg-1%&e was deleted