Hypixel Player Statistic for your Discord bot
More Game mods will be added over time for now there are 3 mods skywars,speeduhc and arcade
if you want to test the statistic befor purchase dm me
For this to work you will need your own api key, to get the key go into hypixel server and type /api new, do not share your key with anybody
You will need:
if you want to test the statistic befor purchase dm me
For this to work you will need your own api key, to get the key go into hypixel server and type /api new, do not share your key with anybody
- ?skywars <player name>
- ?speeduhc <player name>
- ?arcade <player name>
You will need:
- reqn
- vixio 2.0.7 or 2.0.8
- skript
- skript-jason.jar