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Mwexim (AKA CharcoalToast)
Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.9
  2. 1.10
  3. 1.11
  4. 1.12
  5. 1.13
  6. 1.14
  7. 1.15
Decent Tab Completer
A Tab Completer API that is actually useful and simple, with understandable syntax.


completions of [the] command %string%
# You can get, set, add, remove and delete completions
# You will probably only use this with the set method
# You have to define the command WITH its arguments (unlike before).
# For example:
set completions of command "/test hello" to ("general_kenobi" and "there")
all [the] completions
# You can get and delete all the completions
# This had some use in the previous version, but I don't think it's useful now.
# You can use it to delete completions at the load of your Skript,
# to prevent completions that you don't use anymore from still loading (since they are stored in a variable)
# ONLY USABLE IN TabCompleteEvent
(buffer|tab[bed] command)
# This returns the command
# If you execute '/sk reload' it will return '/sk' (always with a '/')
# ONLY USABLE IN TabCompleteEvent
tab arg[ument]( |-)%integer%
# Returns the text at an argument in your command.
# Works like normal command arguments ('arg-1', etc.)

Other features
  • Easy to use: in most use cases, you only have to configure the completions at the load of your script. The plugin does the rest for you!
  • User-friendly: when you type while tab-completing (this is going to feel nice for servers with 1.13+), it will only show completions that correspond to the command you typed. For example, if you typed "/test hel" and the completions were configured as "bye" and "hello", it will only show "hello" as a completion.
  • The completions are stored in variables, so are never lost. There is a way to delete all completions, to prevent completions that aren't in use anymore from loading
  • This should not interrupt with other plugins as long as you don't change completions from OTHER plugins that also use tab-completion. The message is to only use it for your plugins or for plugins that do not support it.
  • Small resource: the code is actually only 70 lines long (when you remove all empty lines, probably 50 lines), so this doesn't make your resource incredibly large.
  • Only one copy of this resource is needed per server
  • You have the ability to edit completions at the event itself, allowing more custom completions (like players online, faction members online, bungeecord lobbies open, ...)


  • Skript: Every version should work (from Bensku of course)
  • skript-mirror: Latest branch (2.0), this is used for the importation and the usage of the TabCompleteEvent


# Example 1: Skript command completer
on load:
    delete all the completions
    set completions of "/sk" to ("reload", "help", "update", "enable" and "disable")
    set completions of "/sk reload" to ("all", "config", "aliases" and "scripts")

# You can also add support for this for every Skript file, by looping them and adding them when you call a tab-complete event.
# Example 2: Just a silly command
command /example <text>:
        broadcast arg-1

on load:
    set completions of command "/example" to ("good morning gamers", "how are you" and "check our shop!")

I indeed based me on the idea someone created here. I actually made it better and easier to utilise with more functions. I advise you to use this one because I will update it sometimes to add some new features, but I just wanted to mention this, because I want to give him a sort of credits.
First release
Last update
4.00 star(s) 2 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Update 2.0 - Total rework

    Decent Tab Completer A brand new update, that is maybe a bit late, but that'll definitely bring...

Latest reviews

Nice Idea and works fine so far!
will give it 5-stars if it also can tab complete on player names on specified arguments :)
Sorry for the late reaction.

This is actually possible. You just need to use TabCompleteEvent and add all the players manually to the completions at that event.

For example:
on TabCompleteEvent:
loop all players:
add name of loop-player to {_names::*}
set completions of "/yourcommand" to {_names::*}
use this api will break other plugins tab Complete
I will try to look into this issue, but please do not use the review section as a bug report next time.