- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- Skript
- skQuery
Here are the current commands and permissions (No admin perms as we dont need them to do anything, but we added it if you wanted it.):
Command: /memehelp /memehelp2
Permission: dankmemes.help
Command: /harambe
Permission: dankmemes.harambe
Command: /420
Permission: dankmemes.420
Command: /mlg
Permission: dankmemes.mlg
Command: /damndaniel
Permission: dankmemes.damndaniel
Command: /bantu
Permission: dankmemes.bantu
Command: /alex
Permission: dankmemes.alex
Command: /Pepe
Permission: dankmemes.pepe
Command: /Wall
Permission: dankmemes.wall
Command: /Keemstar
Permission: dankmemes.keemstar
Inspired by @BrettPlayMC
Command: /OhMyGod
Permission: dankmemes.ohmygod
Command: /Triggered
Permission: dankmemes.triggered
Admin Commands (Requires dankmeme.admin perm)
- /memeadmin
- /memereload
- /memeupdate
# --------------------------------------------
# Config options are below here. Modify to your liking.
# Every update, backup this section and paste it in the new version.
# --------------------------------------------
# Enable or Disable Update Checker:
updates: true
# Prefix:
Prefix: &8[&c&lDankMemes&8]
# For commands:
Harambe: &4%player% &cjust sticked their dick out for their Lord and Savior, &6&lHarambe&c.
Bantu: &4%player% &cjust slapped their balls out for &6Bantu&c.
DamnDaniel: &cDamn &4%player%&c, back at it again with those &fwhite vans&c.
420: &4%player%&c smoked weed everyday.
MLG: &4%player%&c has become an MLG Pro because they ate &c&lDoritos &cand drank &2&lMountain Dew&c.
Alex: &4%player%&c just called Alex a stupid &c&lnigger&c.
Pepe: &4%player%&c just found Pepe the Frog! Feels good man.
Wall: &4%player%&c decides to build a wall.
Keemstar: &cHey wats up &6DramaAlert Nation&c, I'm your host &4%player%&c. Leeeeets Geeeeet Rooooight into the neeews.
Triggered: &c%player% got Triggered for some reason!
# --------------------------------------------
# End of Config section.
# --------------------------------------------
If you want me to add one, just ask in discussions.
Here is a link to the Gist of the skript: https://gist.github.com/Legoman99573/77f23b876375ac1db2a8343962f7e9d4
Fix Grammar errorsMake the memes make lot more sense. (Brain Fart while making it)Make a config (Forgot that options had that purpose. Will be in 2.0)- Suggest here...
- May modify code to your fitting
- No spammy reviews
- Please discuss with me /via Discussions Page or PM before you leave a bad review. (Cant make you, but its better to so i know a way to make it better)