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Bug Fix and Optimization
Small Bug Fixed​
  • Crash Report Name Problem (new Crash report name is CrashReports.19-00.txt
[ ] Added new Roulette for VIP users [ ]
[ ] Added permission to Roulette (customizable but default is dailyreward.default)[ ]
[ ] Added Roulette type to wait and ready page [ ]
[ ] Added Roulette simulator for users which doesn't have any roulette permission (VIP or default) [ ]
[ ] Small Bug Fixs [ ]
[ ] PlaceHolderAPI Support Added %DailyRewards_Timer% [ ]
[ ] Added Custom Time Format [ ]
[ ] Small Bugs Fixed [ ]

[X] Remove "Hours, Minutes, Seconds, And" Options From Config [X]
[ ] Now if addon is missing skript will disable itself and creating crash report [ ]
[ ] (plugins/DailyReward/CrashReports.Date).[ ]
[ ] Addons version and active state shows in console while script is loading.[ ]
[ ] Changed time format "hour, minute, second" to "hour, minute" for optimization.[ ]
[ ] Loading of settings and rewards are separated for optimization. [ ]
[ ] Now files downloads from web [ ]

[ ] Minor bug fixes and optimizations [ ]
  • Fixed error which give error when add reward
  • Added Min and Max Turn Number
A Few Bug Fixed
Please Try Again The Buy (The Last Buyers)
I Have A Problem with paypal last month
I Believe I Was Survived