- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.11
- 1.12
CourbeSk is a script that will allow you to draw parabolic curves in minecraft with 1 command. The script also adds a function that you can implement to automatically generate a type curve f(x) = -ax² + b
How do we use the script?
You have two possibilities of use:
- With command:
- /start -> Set the start point of the curve tracing
- /end -> Set reference end point for curve tracing
- /curve -> Draw the curve
- With the function:
- traceParabole (<start execution position>, <X coordinate of start position>, <X coordinate of arrival position>, <Z coordinate of start position>, <Z coordinate of position of d 'arrival>, <executor>, <true (enable returns by messages) / false>)
What's the end?
It gives something like this for example: