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Script ChatItem 1.9.1

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.18
  2. 1.19
  3. 1.20
ChatItem is a script that allows you to display your items in the chat.
Just type [hand] or any other keyword in the chat and your items will be displayed.
This was originally a port of ItemToChat.

  • Customizable
  • Supports multiple keywords
  • Works with any chat format
  • Supports multiple keywords/items in a single message
  • Prevents the player from typing the same keyword multiple times: Check out my [helmet][helm][head] Check out my [helmet]
If you are experiencing any problems with this script, you can:
First release
Last update
4.75 star(s) 4 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Small Fixes

    Dependencies have been updated to Skript 2.6.4+ and SkBee 2.15.0+. Fixed Messages changing...
  2. Troubles With Chat Format

    This update adds a new config option and a new feature that fixes some annoyances when directly...
  3. Fix for SkBee 2.8.3+

    SkBee 2.8.3 broke some of the current script functionality, causing the messages of players to...

Latest reviews

It works very good but when I brodcast it in the chat it shows {@itemname} and I dont think that it should look like that. Additionally there are also some lines with nothing in item so the chat looks like: Playername, empty line, {@itemname}, empty line, empty line. Again I think it should not look like that. Hope you reply quick so I can fix it
I love this Skript, Do you have others such as [balance]/[money]? Would be great too!
very nice, simple project that help a lot. As a feedback for the future make it easier for players other than opening the code and editing by them self like command /word [main word] [short cuts for the words]
Hey, thank you for the review! As for the feedback, adding such a command would use another addon - something that I would like to avoid... but I'll keep your idea in mind.
i love it It works perfectly, it's the best out there.
A first review! Thanks a lot for reviewing, really. Remember that if you run into any issues or if you have suggestions you are free to contact me. :)