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Supported Skript Version
  1. 2.6
  2. 2.7
  3. 2.8
Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.13
  2. 1.14
  3. 1.15
  4. 1.16
  5. 1.17
  6. 1.18
  7. 1.19
  8. 1.20

Chat Control

Chat Manager for Minecraft servers.

Dependencies: Skript 2.6.4, skUtilities 0.9.2, skBee 3.2.1, vault and any permission plugins like Luckperms

How to use: Just add the script to your scripts folder then reload the script or restart your server. Upon reloading the script it will create a folder called ChatControl in your scripts folder, within the folder it will create 3 files, "bannedwords.yml", "bannedwords.log", "messages.log". You can ban words by adding them to "bannedwords.yml", banned words must be separated by line, for example "this server sucks" would be on line 1 and "i hate this server" would be on line 2. All chat messages will be logged to "messages.log" if enabled and all messages containing a banned phrase/word will be logged to "bannedwords.log" if enabled.

- Various options to customize to your liking
- Disables the ability to use the Microsoft report system
- Staff and Admin chat
- Join and Leave messages
- Chat cooldown
- Togglable chat radius
- Ban phrases or words
- Log messages and banned words
- Chat color
- Ignore chat messages from certain players
- Chat clear
- Chat mute
- Social Spy
- Blocked commands

    permissionIgnore: chat.ignore #Permission for the /ignore command
    permissionBypassChatCooldown: chat.bypasschatcooldown #Permission to bypass the chat cooldown
    permissionBypassChatFilter: chat.bypasschatfilter #Permission to bypass the chat filter
    permissionChatColor: chat.chatcolor #Permission for the /chatcolor command
    permissionChatClear: chat.chatclear #Permission for the /chatclear command
    permissionChatMute: chat.chatmute #Permission for the /chatmute command
    permissionSocialSpy: chat.socialspy #Permission for the /socialspy command
    permissionStaff: chat.staff #Permission for staff related commands
    permissionAdmin: chat.admin #Permission for admin related commands
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

More resources from 255Ping

Latest updates

  1. Chat Control 1.1.1

    minor bug fixes
  2. Chat Control 1.1

    Forgot about this website and skipped a version here.
  3. Chat Manager

    Chat Manager Made by 255Ping Version 1.0 Alpha 6 Dependencies: Skript 2.6.4, Skutilities 0.9.2