- Contributors
- TheJimmyJ57 (Dev), Brofessor Ex (Benefactor)
- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.12

Welcome to the BEST BedWars Resource
Created in the likeness of some of Minecraft's most POPULAR Servers
BedWars Pro was created to be a plug and play resource.
In its CURRENT STATE, Bedwars Pro is meant to run on its own server and be fully automated
once setup. In the future Multi-World & Bungeecord options will be
Created in the likeness of some of Minecraft's most POPULAR Servers
BedWars Pro was created to be a plug and play resource.
In its CURRENT STATE, Bedwars Pro is meant to run on its own server and be fully automated
once setup. In the future Multi-World & Bungeecord options will be

Team Colors Match Bed and Armor
Bed Destroyed Warnings (+ Sounds)

Bed Destroyed Warnings (+ Sounds)


Item Shop
Team & Trap Shop
Quest Menu
Stats Menu
Invite to Party Menu
Party Members Menu

Team & Trap Shop

Quest Menu

Stats Menu

Invite to Party Menu

Party Members Menu

Join NPCs
Quest Master

Quest Master

Item Shop NPC
Team Shop NPC

Team Shop NPC

Lobby Scoreboard
Game Scoreboard

Game Scoreboard

Diamond Spawner
Emerald Spawner

Emerald Spawner

✔ = Implemented ✘ = Coming Soon
✔ GUI-Based Arena Setup Menu
✔ Fully Automated Arena
✔ Spectator Mode
✔ Customizable Item Shop
✔ Customizable Upgrade Shop
✔ Customizable Trap Shop
✔ Game Joining NPCs
✔ GUI-Based Party System
✔ Hotbar based Party Invite System
✔ Game Sounds
✔ Game Titles & Action bars
✔ Diamond and Emerald Spawners
✔ Supports 1,2,3,4 or 8 person teams
✔ Join Signs
✔ Sudden Death Ending
✔ Custom Death Messages
✔ Custom Game Chat
✔ Plug-and-play Style
✔ Per-Arena Weather and Time settings
✘ Quest Master and Challenges GUI
✘ Bungeecord Support

Test Server Coming Soon

/bw lobby | Teleports player to lobby
/leave | Leaves Game or Queue
/party | Accesses party help menu
/level | Accesses Level help menu
/bedwars or /bw | Accesses Full Help Menu
+ All Player Commands
/bw lobby | Teleports player to lobby
/leave | Leaves Game or Queue
/party | Accesses party help menu
/level | Accesses Level help menu
/bedwars or /bw | Accesses Full Help Menu
+ All Player Commands

bw.player | Gives permission to all commands & functions a player would need
bw.admin.* Can be given to give ALL admin perms
bw.admin | Base permission to give access to the help menu & Enable/Disable Arenas
bw.admin.level | Access to /level command to modify player's levels
bw.admin.setup | Ability to set lobby, create arenas, setup arenas & Create lobby NPCs
bw.admin.files | Ability to reload and reset Config/Messages Files
bw.admin.lobbybypass | Bypass all lobby build & damage protections
bw.player | Gives permission to all commands & functions a player would need
bw.admin.* Can be given to give ALL admin perms
bw.admin | Base permission to give access to the help menu & Enable/Disable Arenas
bw.admin.level | Access to /level command to modify player's levels
bw.admin.setup | Ability to set lobby, create arenas, setup arenas & Create lobby NPCs
bw.admin.files | Ability to reload and reset Config/Messages Files
bw.admin.lobbybypass | Bypass all lobby build & damage protections

Arena Join Signs:

Coming Soon

IMPORTANT: BedWars Pro in its CURRENT STATE, is meant to run alone on its own server. It will run fully autonomously on that server. ALSO, each new arena should be created in their own world for the best performance.
To Install:
1. Download the Depedencies from HERE
2. Install to /plugins folder and restart your server
3. Open /plugins/Skript and replace the old aliases-english.sk with the new one provided
4. Then, place the remaining .sk files in /plugins/Skript/scripts
5. Restart Server
6. Enjoy