- Contributors
- bertek41
- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
ProJackpot is advanced jackpot skript.
ProJackpot Full Customizatable aslo You Can Play on Discord or Minecraft event You don't need to be online on Minecraft Server
- You can play jackpot on discord.
You just need synchronous with minecraft account - Login Discord, Write account-check and discord give a command to you
You should write this command in game
- If you join the Jackpot, You will receive information about a hologram jackpot that follows you.
- If you do not want to deposit the money with command you will deposit on anvil with money.
- You will see most winners in Jackpot gui also you will see skull of they
- You will see last 7 winners in Jackpot gui also you will see skull of they and money
- Skript will automaticly share new version with you
- You can use all plugins with PAPI
- ApiaJackpot_Player-Money
- ApiaJackpot_Player-Chance
- ApiaJackpot_Player-FearBonus
- ApiaJackpot_TotalMoney
- ApiaJackpot_Time
- You can edit all settings in config.yml
- Moreover, it is very simple with JSON system
- Join our Advanced Support discord to get support from Future Development Team!
- Quick plugin fixes provided right after an issue is confirmed.
- Fear System, the lower the chances of the players, the more won money in a system
- Tiers
- Tier One:
- Chance: 0-25
- Default Bonus: %25
- Tier Two:
- Chance: 25-50
- Default Bonus: %10
- Tier Three:
- Chance: 50-75
- Default Bonus: %5
- Tier Four:
- Chance: 75-99
- Default Bonus: %1
- Tier One:
- Players can participate in the jackpot with the items you specify
- These items that you value are calculated with money and given to the winner in cash
- If the round is canceled due to insufficient attendance, the player's item is returned.
- You can select minimum players
- You can select maximum players
- You can select minimum deposit (for one operation)
- You can select maximum deposit (for one operation)
- You can select background of gui (true or false)
- Customizable Jackpot Time
- Vault Support (OfflinePlayer can play Jackpot on Discord)
- Customizable time text (Hour,Minute,Second,And)
- Your win chance get from your deposited money
- /jackpot
Main Jackpot Command, You can see active jackpot information and deposit to jackpot - /account-check
Synchronous command on minecraft
- jackpot status
Jackpot status command, configureable but this is default version
OfflinePlayer can use this command - jackpot balance
Money Inquiry Command, configureable but this is default version
OfflinePlayer can use this command - jackpot <Integer>
Deposit Command on jackpot
OfflinePlayer can use this command - account-check
Account synchronous command
- Create Discord Bot
- Add Discord Bot to Your Server
- Write BOT Token in Discord.Token in config.yml
- Write Command Channel Name in Discord.CommandChannel in config.yml
- Write ID of Channel for Status Share in Discord.InformationChannel in config.yml
- Ready!
Name: §eDeposit
PlaceHolder: '000000'
NotInteger: §8§l[§ePRO§6JACKPOT§8§l] §7§l| §3Please Enter a Number
Money: §8§l[§ePRO§6JACKPOT§8§l] §7§l| §3Your Money not enough
MaxPlayer: §8§l[§ePRO§6JACKPOT§8§l] §7§l| §3Too many people participated in Jackpot Please Wait
FewJoined: §8§l[§ePRO§6JACKPOT§8§l] §7§l| §3Very Few People Joins Jackpot, Give Moneys.
MoneySpace: §8§l[§ePRO§6JACKPOT§8§l] §7§l| §3You can play jackpot with min $1000 and max $50000
JackpotStart: §8§l[§ePRO§6JACKPOT§8§l] §7§l| §3Jackpot Started!
SuccesDeposit: §8§l[§ePRO§6JACKPOT§8§l] §7§l| §3You was deposit money
AnvilDeposit: 'true'
MostWinner: 'true'
LastWinner: 'true'
GuiBackground: 'true'
JackpotTime: 'true'
Synchronous: 'true'
Enabled: 'true'
Play: 'true'
MinimumPlayer: '2'
MaximumPlayer: '10'
MinimumMoney: '1000'
MaximumMoney: '50000'
MessageTitle: '**ProJACKPOT**'
SynchronousMessage: Your Account Synchronous with Minecraft Account
AlreadySynchronous: Your Account Already Synchronous with Minecraft Account
SynchronousReady_MinecraftMessage: Your Account Succesfully Synchronous with Minecraft Account
WrongCode_MinecraftMessage: §8§l[§ePRO§6JACKPOT§8§l] §7§l| §3Your Synchronous wrong
AlreadySynchronous_MinecraftMessage: §8§l[§ePRO§6JACKPOT§8§l] §7§l| §3Your Account Already Synchronous with Discord Account
SynchronousTimeBlock_MinecraftMessage: §8§l[§ePRO§6JACKPOT§8§l] §7§l| §3You Can Synchronous in 30 Seconds
AccountSynchronous: You should Synchronous with Minecraft Account
JackpotStatus: 'Total Balance **$<MONEY_TOTAL>**||Your Chance of Win: **%<CHANCE>**||Your
Deposit in Jackpot **$<MONEY>**||Jackpot will stop in **<TIME>**'
Deposit: You deposit **$<MONEY>** to Jackpot
NotEnoughMoney: Your Money of Minecraft Account not enough
FewJoined: Very Few People Joins Jackpot, Give Moneys.
MaximumPlayerMessage: Too many people participated in Jackpot Please Wait
WinnerMessage: '**<PLAYER>** Winner of Jackpot and won **$<MONEY>**'
JackpotStart: Jackpot Started!
JackpotDepositOther: '**<PLAYER>** Deposit **$<MONEY>** to Jackpot'
LogTimeOptions: 'true'
MoneySpace: You can play jackpot with min $1000 and max $50000
MoneyMessage: Your Minecraft Account Has **$<MONEY>**
TimeInformation: Total Deposit is **$<MONEY>** and Jackpot will stop in **<TIME>**
TimeInformation_Enabled: 'true'
Status: status
Money: balance
NotInteger: You can write a number
Name: §8§l[§ePRO§6JACKPOT§8§l]
DepositButton: §6Deposit Money
LastWinner_Name: §e<PLAYER>
LastWinner_Lore: §eThis Player won §f<MONEY> §ein Jackpot
JackpotStatus_Name: Jackpot Status
JackpotStatus_Lore: '§6Total Balance §e$<MONEY_TOTAL>||§6Your Chance of Win: §e%<CHANCE>||§6Your
Deposit in Jackpot §e$<MONEY>||§6Jackpot will stop in §e<TIME>'
MostWinner_Name: §7<SIRA>. §e<PLAYER>
MostWinner_Lore: §6This player won §e<KAZANMA> §6times
LastWinner_CancelRaund: This raund cancel for not enough joined
Text: '§8§l[§ePRO§6JACKPOT§8§l];§6Hello §f<PLAYER>;§6Your Chance of Win: §e%<CHANCE>;§6Your
Deposit in Jackpot §e$<MONEY>;§6Jackpot will stop in §e<TIME>'
WinnerText: §8§l[§ePRO§6JACKPOT§8§l];§e§lWinner is §4§l<PLAYER>
Enabled: 'true'
- You are not allowed to edit this plugin.
- You are not allowed to claim the source/binary code of the plugin as your own.
- You are not allowed to resell this plugin.
- You are not allowed to share this plugin.
- I hold the right to change this whenever I want.
- EssentialsX (Latest)
- skRayFall (1.9.14)
- HolographicDisplay (2.2.5)
- ProtocolLIB (4.2.1)
- skQuery (3.21.4)
- TuSKE (1.7.7)
- skUtilities (0.9.2)
- Vixio (2.0.0)
- Skript-Mirror (0.19.1)
- WolvSK (1.6.2)
- Vault (1.5.6-b49)
- Skript (2.2-dev25)
Output: Succes
- EssentialsX (Latest)
- skRayFall (1.9.17)
- HolographicDisplay (2.3.2)
- ProtocolLIB (4.4.0-b421)
- skQuery (3.6.5)
- TuSKE (1.8.3-PikachuPatch-3)
- skUtilities (0.9.2)
- Vixio (2.0.0)
- Skript-Mirror (0.19.1)
- WolvSK (1.6.2)
- Vault (1.7.2)
- Skript (Latest)
Output: Succes
- EssentialsX (Latest)
- skRayFall (1.9.17)
- HolographicDisplay (2.3.2)
- ProtocolLIB (4.4.0-b421)
- skQuery (3.6.5)
- TuSKE (1.8.3-PikachuPatch-3)
- skUtilities (0.9.2)
- Vixio (2.0.0)
- Skript-Mirror (0.19.1)
- WolvSK (1.6.2)
- Vault (1.7.2)
- Skript (Latest)
Output: Succes
- EssentialsX (Latest)
- skRayFall (1.9.17)
- HolographicDisplay (2.3.2)
- ProtocolLIB (4.4.0-b421)
- skQuery (3.6.5)
- TuSKE (1.8.3-PikachuPatch-3)
- skUtilities (0.9.2)
- Vixio (2.0.0)
- Skript-Mirror (0.19.1)
- WolvSK (1.6.2)
- Vault (1.7.2)
- Skript (Latest)
Output: Error
Reason: More Plugin (ProtocolLib, HolographicDisplays ...) unsupported this version
This test is console error test.
Reason: More Plugin (ProtocolLib, HolographicDisplays ...) unsupported this version
This test is console error test.