- Contributors
- kenkencw
- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
- skript
/ab ; /antibot
/ab <on/off> (manualy trigger protection)
/ab addwhitelist (add online players to whitelist)
antibot.view (view status for staff)
antibot.access (access "/ab" command)
- load the script
- do /ab addwhitelist ; to add online players to whitelist
- powerful protection that i ever created & i still using it
- based on spigot whitelist (last time tested using "kick player" fail in high speed attack, so whitelist is more suitable for instant blocking)
To do list
- simplify options if needed
last time antibot-ultra rebuild and many other plugins still very unstable, i have no idea, have to write it myself
i improved so much by catching right defend timing from real time massive & high speed bot attack (fk fk guy), it defend few months perfectly so far no problem, i rate it 4.5 star for my adjusted defend level almost accurate, normally no need change setting unless u really needed to change.
- skript
/ab ; /antibot
/ab <on/off> (manualy trigger protection)
/ab addwhitelist (add online players to whitelist)
antibot.view (view status for staff)
antibot.access (access "/ab" command)
- load the script
- do /ab addwhitelist ; to add online players to whitelist
- powerful protection that i ever created & i still using it
- based on spigot whitelist (last time tested using "kick player" fail in high speed attack, so whitelist is more suitable for instant blocking)
# Options #
# #!!! default settings is almost accurate, by adjusted in real time high speed attack.
# #!!! normally no need to change options, except u really needed to change it.
prefix: &c[&6Antibot&c]&6
auto_whitelist: 2 # 2min(option) + 3min(every min) = 5min strangers continues online to auto whitelist ; after whitelist will consider as real player
sensitivity: 2 # stranger & stranger between join less than 2 sec auto on protection ; minimum value = 1 sec, highest value will be lower sensitive
checking: 2 # when protection is on, every 3 mins cehck, if attack is stopped after 2 seconds auto disable protection ; minimum value = 1 sec, highest value will be lower sensitive
purge: 90 # how many days of whitelisted players will be delete? ; normally 90 days is ok
# permissions for staff
permission_view: "antibot.view" # allow player to view while attack & status message
permission_access: "antibot.access" # allow player manual trigger <on/off> antibot ; used to incase while attack not detected ; or false positive
To do list
- simplify options if needed
last time antibot-ultra rebuild and many other plugins still very unstable, i have no idea, have to write it myself
i improved so much by catching right defend timing from real time massive & high speed bot attack (fk fk guy), it defend few months perfectly so far no problem, i rate it 4.5 star for my adjusted defend level almost accurate, normally no need change setting unless u really needed to change.