Check out my UDL / IDE for Atom:
Skript Chat Discord:
Update Checker Plugin:
"skAliasesVerCheck.notice" (Sends Update Check Messages to users with this perm)
It Checks for an update on startup then every 12 hours
What are Aliases?
How do I install this?
Skript Chat Discord:
Update Checker Plugin:
"skAliasesVerCheck.notice" (Sends Update Check Messages to users with this perm)
It Checks for an update on startup then every 12 hours
Aliases is what skript uses to tell what item should be what (also allows you to custom name them!)
Why do I need this?, I have the one that came with Skript!
The one that came with Skript doesn't get updated, this one does, this one even has 1.9+ stuff in it.
How do I install this?
- Download from the link
- Find your "Skript" folder in "plugins"
- Replace the old '' with the download, make sure to keep the old one, it's always good to keep a backup.
- Do /sk reload aliases
- You're Done!