✯ SuperSpawn ✯ [Skript] Set, remove, tp other players, autoupdater, much more!

Script ✯ SuperSpawn ✯ [Skript] Set, remove, tp other players, autoupdater, much more! 1.5

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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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    Now, what are you waiting for? Join the community now!

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For now, SuperSpawn features are:
  • Built-in with amazing cute messages!
  • Configurable messages in a Config.yml file!
  • Admins will be notified if the spawn isn't set using a permission.
  • Admins will be notified if a new update is released using a permission.
  • It does the updates without lagging your server!
  • Set the spawn to your position.
  • Remove the spawn.
  • Teleport to the spawn using a command.
  • Auto teleport to the spawn on join using a permission.
  • Auto teleport to the spawn on death using a permission.
  • Teleport other players to the spawn using a command.
  • Switch auto teleporting to spawn on join in-game!
  • There is a command to reload the skript!
  • And a command to view the version of the skript too!
  • AutoUpdater! You will be notified on join if a new version is released.
In future updates I will add:
  • Configurable cooldown before teleporting to the spawn.
  • Configurable cooldown to teleport to the spawn again.
  • More than 1 spawn.
You can request more features. I will surely add them!


Format: /command | /alias => permission => description
  • /superspawn | /sspawn help 1 - 2 => sspawn.help => View the help page.
  • /sspawn set => sspawn.set => Create the new spawn point.
  • /sspawn delete => sspawn.delete => Delete the spawn.
  • /sspawn tp => sspawn.tp => Get teleported to the spawn.
  • /sspawn tp spawn <player> => sspawn.tpothers => Teleport online players to the spawn.
  • /sspawn tpjoin yes - no => sspawn.cmdtpjoin => Switch teleport spawn on join.
  • /sspawn version check => sspawn.update => Check if you are outdated.
  • /sspawn version download => sspawn.update => Download new updates.
  • /sspawn reload => sspawn.reload => Reloads the skript.
Auto teleport to spawn on death => sspawn.spawnondeath
Auto teleport to spawn on join => sspawn.tponjoin
Receive notification on join when spawn isn't set => sspawn.notsetnotify
Receive update notifies => sspawn.notifyupdates


I'm working on it. Please, wait :emoji_wink:


You must install Skript plugin to make SuperSpawn run. Download Skript from: here
You must install SkQuerry to check the version link. Download SkQuerry from: here
You must install WildSkript to run this. You can download WildSkript from: here
  1. Once you have skript, skquerry and wildskript installed in your server, place the file "superspawn.sk" into "/plugins/Skript/scripts" folder.
  2. Then, it will be ready to go!
  3. Rate it with a ★★★★★ review!

Send me a PM if you've done a tutorial.
No one o_O


This servers are currently using my Skript:
  • No one :emoji_frowning:
Are you using this skript in your server? PM me with your server IP adress and I will add it to the list.


This skript has been witten using a 1.8.9 minecraft server. I haven't tested it on other versions, but it should work.

I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes! I'm Spanish.

Do you like my skripts? Rate them with ★★★★★ reviews!
Don't you like them? I want to know why, and try to fix it!

Before posting a negative review, please ask for help (using the discussion area)!

I will update this skript very often so that's the reason I need you to suggest me new features!

Now, using the version 1.5 or higher, there is a Config.yml file!

AutoUpdater! (from version 1.4 and higher) I decided to add this feature to make updates more easy to do. This will update SuperSpawn without lagging your server. You will be updated to the latest version automaticly!


Before downloading and installing this skript, please be shure to read and accept the following:
  • You are not allowed to redistribute this skript.
  • Keep in mind this is my own creation so you are not allowed to take part of it.
  • No stupid reviews, such as (missing features, inactivity, features not added).
  • I'm not obligated to update this skript, but that doesn't mean I won't do updates.
  • I'm not obligated to add all your suggestions to this skript, but that doesn't mean I won't do it.
  • Do not ask for help in the reviews section. Use the discussion area for help.


You can donate to suport all my skript resources.
Donations are very apreciated!

Clicking the link below, you will be redirected without any advert to donate to my paypal.me account. There, you will need to enter a number bigger than 0 (the ammount of money you want to pay).

Make a donation here: Donate me

This is only a donation. You are not going to have aditional updates or refounds.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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