I need help with my STAFF skript!

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New Member
Apr 13, 2017
Hi Everybody thanks for clicking on this skript i just need help with my skript.
I'm a noob skripter so i guess this is preety easy for your guys.

I wanted to make a STAFF mode skript but the problem is the Teleport menu and The Inventory thing.

And the teleport menu won't open here is my code:

on load:
    send "&7| &3OK &7| &a&lSTAFF MODE SUCCESSFULLY LOADED!" to console

on rightclick:
    if player is holding a clock named "&9&lTELEPORT":
        make player execute command "/dwkdwkkwkdw"
    if player is holding a book named "&c&lTJEK INVENTORY":
        if clicked player isn't op:
            open clicked player's inventory
            message "&7|| &4&lSTAFF &7|| &cDu kan ikke tjekke en OP's INVENTORY! &7(Dette er blevet reporteret)"
            loop all players:
                loop-player is op:
                    message "&7|| &4&lSTAFF &7|| &cDer var en staff der prøvede at åbne din inv." to loop-player
    if player is holding a wooden axe named "&2&lWORLDEDIT":
        if player isn't op:
            if player doesn't have permission "worledit.*":
                message "&7|| &4&lSTAFF &7|| &2Du har ikke adgang til at bruge &a&lWORLDEDIT"
    if player is holding a leather named "&b&lREGIONS":
        if player isn't op:
            if player doesn't have permission "worledit.*":
                message "&7|| &4&lSTAFF &7|| &2Du har ikke adgang til at se &b&lREGIONS"
command /staff:
    permission: staff.use
    permission message: &7|| &4&lSTAFF &7||&cDu har ikke adgang til denne komando!
        if {staffmode.%player%} is not set:
            loop all items in player's inventory:
                add loop-item to {inventory::%player%::*}
            set {staffmode.%player%} to true
            set player's gamemode to creative
            set slot 0 of player's inventory to compass named "&e&lTHRU" with lore "&aKom igennem mure."
            set slot 1 of player's inventory to clock named "&9&lTELEPORT" with lore "&aTeleport til en spiller."
            set slot 2 of player's inventory to wooden axe named "&2&lWORLDEDIT" with lore "&aLav worldedit."
            set slot 3 of player's inventory to leather named "&b&lREGIONS" with lore "&aTjek Regions."
            set slot 4 of player's inventory to book named "&c&lTJEK INVENTORY" with lore "&aTjek en spillers inv."
            message "&7|| &4&lSTAFF &7|| &aDu er nu inde i Staff mode!"
            delete {staffmode.%player%}
            set player's gamemode to survival
            clear player's inventory
            message "&7|| &4&lSTAFF &7|| &cDu er nu ude af Staff mode!"
            wait 0.5 tick
            loop {inventory::%player%::*}:
                add loop-value to the player's inventory

command /dwkdwkkwkdw:
    permission: staff.use
        open chest with 3 rows named "&9&lTELEPORT SPILLER" to player
        wait 1 tick
        set {_k} to 0
        wait 1 tick
        loop all players:
            loop-player isn't op:
                format slot {_k} of player with skull of loop-player named "&7%loop-player%" with lore "&cHelath: &a%loop-player's health%||&cBalance: &a%loop-player's balance%||&cRank: %colored loop-player's prefix%" to close then run [make player execute command "/etpo %loop-player%" ]
                add 1 to {_k}

(I'm from Denmark english isn't my first language And the skript messages is wrote in Danish)
Last edited:
I see the problem and I fix it and test it the problem is the lore look here is a new code with no lore

on load:
    send "&7| &3OK &7| &a&lSTAFF MODE SUCCESSFULLY LOADED!" to console
on rightclick:
    if held item of the player is a clock named "&9&lTELEPORT":
        make player execute command "/dwkdwkkwkdw"
    if player is holding a book named "&c&lTJEK INVENTORY":
        if clicked player isn't op:
            open clicked player's inventory
            message "&7|| &4&lSTAFF &7|| &cDu kan ikke tjekke en OP's INVENTORY! &7(Dette er blevet reporteret)"
            loop all players:
                loop-player is op:
                    message "&7|| &4&lSTAFF &7|| &cDer var en staff der prøvede at åbne din inv." to loop-player
    if player is holding a wooden axe named "&2&lWORLDEDIT":
        if player isn't op:
            if player doesn't have permission "worledit.*":
                message "&7|| &4&lSTAFF &7|| &2Du har ikke adgang til at bruge &a&lWORLDEDIT"
    if player is holding a leather named "&b&lREGIONS":
        if player isn't op:
            if player doesn't have permission "worledit.*":
                message "&7|| &4&lSTAFF &7|| &2Du har ikke adgang til at se &b&lREGIONS"
command /staff:
    permission: staff.use
    permission message: &7|| &4&lSTAFF &7||&cDu har ikke adgang til denne komando!
        if {staffmode.%player%} is not set:
            loop all items in player's inventory:
                add loop-item to {inventory::%player%::*}
            set {staffmode.%player%} to true
            set player's gamemode to creative
            set slot 0 of player's inventory to compass named "&e&lTHRU"
            set slot 1 of player's inventory to clock named "&9&lTELEPORT"
            set slot 2 of player's inventory to wooden axe named "&2&lWORLDEDIT"
            set slot 3 of player's inventory to leather named "&b&lREGIONS"
            set slot 4 of player's inventory to book named "&c&lTJEK INVENTORY"
            message "&7|| &4&lSTAFF &7|| &aDu er nu inde i Staff mode!"
            delete {staffmode.%player%}
            set player's gamemode to survival
            clear player's inventory
            message "&7|| &4&lSTAFF &7|| &cDu er nu ude af Staff mode!"
            wait 0.5 tick
            loop {inventory::%player%::*}:
                add loop-value to the player's inventory
command /dwkdwkkwkdw:
    permission: staff.use
        open chest with 3 rows named "&9&lTELEPORT SPILLER" to player
        wait 1 tick
        set {_k} to 0
        wait 1 tick
        loop all players:
            loop-player isn't op:
                format slot {_k} of player with skull of loop-player named "&7%loop-player%" with lore "&cHelath: &a%loop-player's health%||&cBalance: &a%loop-player's balance%||&cRank: %colored loop-player's prefix%" to close then run [make player execute command "/etpo %loop-player%" ]
                add 1 to {_k}
This fix should fix this error in the command `/dwk...`
command /dwkdwkkwkdw:
    permission: staff.use
        open chest with 3 rows named "&9&lTELEPORT SPILLER" to player
        wait 1 tick
        set {_k} to 0
        wait 1 tick
        loop all players:
            loop-player isn't op:
                format slot ({_k}) of player with skull of "%loop-player%" parsed as offline player named "&7%loop-player%" with lore "&cHelath: &a%loop-player's health%||&cBalance: &a%loop-player's balance%||&cRank: %colored loop-player's prefix%" to close then run [make player execute command "/etpo %loop-player%"]
                add 1 to {_k}

I'd also like to point out a possible issue with this command, Teleporting to the player may end up teleporting you to the last person in the GUI, and if you do not want this error; I would recommend using TuSKe instead of skQuery's Inventory management.
Try: wait 2 ticks before open menu
command /dwkdwkkwkdw:
    permission: staff.use
        wait 2 ticks
        open chest with 3 rows named "&9&lTELEPORT SPILLER" to player
        wait 1 tick
        set {_k} to 0
        wait 1 tick
        loop all players:
            loop-player isn't op:
                format slot {_k} of player with skull of loop-player named "&7%loop-player%" with lore "&cHelath: &a%loop-player's health%||&cBalance: &a%loop-player's balance%||&cRank: %colored loop-player's prefix%" to close then run [make player execute command "/etpo %loop-player%" ]
                add 1 to {_k}
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