Solved how to link an armor stand to the player

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Mar 29, 2023
EDIT: i am trying to make an armor stand ride the player and be able to move with the player,
so when the player move his body the armor stand above it move to and be connected to the body area the "chest"

the skript i used make the armor stand teleport to the player so its a bit laggy and does not look the way i want it to be
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EDIT: i am trying to make an armor stand ride the player and be able to move with the player,
so when the player move his body the armor stand above it move to and be connected to the body area the "chest"

the skript i used make the armor stand teleport to the player so its a bit laggy and does not look the way i want it to be

I’m using the teleport armor stand to the player but setting up a teleportation vector. This way I can make the armor stand teleport to the player with a small distance specified in the vector including teleportation to the head, legs and so on, but it is necessary to calculate the coordinates and test.

I have teleportation going on every tick, and it may be a little lagg, but I’m fine. Probably a powerful hosting.

on right click:
   if targeted entity is armor stand:
       set {armorstand::%player%} to armor stand

every 1 tick:
   loop all players in "world":
       teleport {armorstand::%loop-player%} to loop-player's location ~~ vector(0.0,1.2,0.0)

If that’s what you need to look at the code and get what you need from it.
EDIT: i am trying to make an armor stand ride the player and be able to move with the player,
so when the player move his body the armor stand above it move to and be connected to the body area the "chest"

the skript i used make the armor stand teleport to the player so its a bit laggy and does not look the way i want it to be
I think no solution to make "insert armor stand to chest". I think this isn't impossible.
thank you, i tried to make the armor stand ride the player and that worked perfectly i had to do a little twists and i got what i want to but thanks tho
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