Can anyone tell me why this doesn't work?

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Aug 15, 2022
#If you obtain this code, please do not use it for your own server.
#If you wish too, you must forst ask "Hi I'm Myna#1234" on Discord for permission and you must give credit.

if event-world is "randomffa":
    teleport player to location(6.5, 79, -2.5,world("randomffa"))
    set {sword.%player%} to random number between 1 and 5
    set {helmet.%player%} to random number between 1 and 5
    set {chest.%player%} to random number between 1 and 5
    set {legs.%player%} to random number between 1 and 5
    set {boots.%player%} to random number between 1 and 5
    set {block.%player%} to stone
#if a player is on RandomFFA, this will give them thier loadout

    if {sword.%player%} is 1:
        set slot 0 of player to wooden sword named "&4Wodden Sword" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {sword.%player%} is 2:
        set slot 0 of player to stone sword named "&8Stone Sword" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {sword.%player%} is 3:
        set slot 0 of player to gold sword named "&6Gold Sword" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {sword.%player%} is 4:
        set slot 0 of player to iron sword named "&7Iron Sword" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {sword.%player%} is 5:
        set slot 0 of player to diamond sword named "&bDiamond Sword" to be unstealable and unbreakable
#selects player's sword

    if {helmet.%player%} is 1:
        equip player with leather helmet named "&4Leather Helmet" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {helmet.%player%} is 2:
        equip player with chainmail helmet named "&8Chainmail Helmet" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {helmet.%player%} is 3:
        equip player with gold helmet named "&6Gold Helmet" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {helmet.%player%} is 4:
        equip player with iron helmet named "&7Iron Helmet" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {helmet.%player%} is 5:
        equip player with diamond helmet named "&bDiamond Helmet" to be unstealable and unbreakable
#selects player's hemlet

    if {chest.%player%} is 1:
        equip player with leather chestplate named "&4Leather Chestplate" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {chest.%player%} is 2:
        equip player with chainmail chestplate named "&8Chainmail Chesplate" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {chest.%player%} is 3:
        equip player with gold chestplate named "&6Gold Chestplate" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {chest.%player%} is 4:
        equip player with iron chestplate named "&7Iron Chestplate" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {chest.%player%} is 5:
        equip player with diamond chestplate named "&bDiamond Chestplate" to be unstealable and unbreakable
#selects player's chestplate

    if {legs.%player%} is 1:
        equip player with leather leggings named "&4Leather Leggings" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {legs.%player%} is 2:
        equip player with chainmail leggings named "&8Chainmail Leggings" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {legs.%player%} is 3:
        equip player with gold leggings named "&6Gold Leggings" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {legs.%player%} is 4:
        equip player with iron leggings named "&7Iron Leggings" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {legs.%player%} is 5:
        equip player with diamond leggings named "&bDiamond Leggings" to be unstealable and unbreakable
#selects player's leggings

    if {boots.%player%} is 1:
        equip player with leather boots named "&4Leather Boots" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {boots.%player%} is 2:
        equip player with chainmail boots named "&8Chainmail Boots" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {boots.%player%} is 3:
        equip player with gold boots named "&6Gold Boots" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {boots.%player%} is 4:
        equip player with iron boots named "&7Iron Boots" to be unstealable and unbreakable
    if {boots.%player%} is 5:
        equip player with diamond boots named "&bDiamond Boots" to be unstealable and unbreakable
#selects player's boots

on death:
    respawn player
    teleport player to location(6.5, 79, -2.5,world("randomffa"))
    set {sword.%player%} to random number between 1 and 5
    set {helmet.%player%} to random number between 1 and 5
    set {chest.%player%} to random number between 1 and 5
    set {legs.%player%} to random number between 1 and 5
    set {boots.%player%} to random number between 1 and 5
#resets gear and auto respawns player on death

command /blocks:
        wait 2 ticks
        open chest with 2 rows named "Block selection:" to player
        format slot 0 of player with stone named "&7Stone" with lore "&1Unlocked at 0 kills" to be unstealable
        if {kills.%player%} is above 1:
            format slot 1 of player with white wool named "&fWhite Wool" with lore "&1Unlocked at 1 kill" to be unstealable
        if {kills.%player%} is above 10:
            format slot 2 of player with red wool named "&cRed Wool" with lore "&1Unlocked at 10 kills" to be unstealable
            format slot 3 of player with blue wool named "&9Blue Wool" with lore "&1Unlocked at 10 kills" to be unstealable
        if {kills.%player%} is above 20:
            format slot 4 of player with yellow wool named "&eYellow Wool" with lore "&1Unlocked at 20 kills" to be unstealable
            format slot 5 of player with purple wool named "&5Purple Wool" with lore "&1Unlocked at 20 kills" to be unstealable
        if {kills.%player%} is above 30:
            format slot 6 of player with black wool named "&0Black Wool" with lore "&1Unlocked at 30 kills" to be unstealable
            format slot 7 of player with coal ore named "&8Coal Ore" with lore "&1Unlocked at 30 kills" to be unstealable
        if {kills.%player%} is above 50:
            format slot 8 of player with iron ore named "&7Iron Ore" with lore "&1Unlocked at 50 kills" to be unstealable
            format slot 9 of player with gold ore named "&6Gold Ore" with lore "&1Unlocked at 50 kills" to be unstealable
        if {kills.%player%} is above 100:
            format slot 10 of player with emerald ore named "&aEmeral Ore" with lore "&1Unlocked at 100 kills" to be unstealable
            format slot 11 of player with diamond ore named "&bDiamond Ore" with lore "&1Unlocked at 100 kills" to be unstealable
        if permission is allstaff:
            format slot 12 of player with orange wool named "&6Orange Wool" with lore "&1Unlocked by being staff" to be unstealable
        if permission is nte.owner:
            format slot 13 of player with lime wool named "&aLime Wool" with lore "&1Unlocked by being Owner" to be unstealable
        if permission is nte.iron:
            format slot 14 of player with iron block named "&7Iron Block" with lore "&1Unlocked by purchasing Iron Rank" to be unstealable
        if permission is
            format slot 15 of player with gold block named "&6Gold Block" with lore "&1Unlocked by purchasing Gold Rank" to be unstealable
        if permission is nte.dia:
            format slot 16 of player with diamond block named "&bDiamond Block" with lore "&1Unlocked by purchacing Diamond Rank" to be unstealable
        if permission is nte.em:
            format slot 17 of player with emerald block named "&aEmerald Block" with lore "&1Unlocked by purchasing Emeral Rank" to be unstealable
#Block selection GUI

on inventory click:
    if event-item is stone:
        set {block.%player%} to stone
    if event-item is white wool:
        set {block.%player%} to white wool
    if event-item is red wool:
        set {block.%player%} to red wool
    if event-item is blue wool:
        set {block.%player%} to blue wool
    if event-item is yellow wool:
        set {block.%player%} to yellow wool
    if event-item is purple wool:
        set {block.%player%} to purple wool
    if event-item is black wool:
        set {block.%player%} to black wool
    if event-item is coal ore:
        set {block.%player%} to coal ore
    if event-item is iron ore:
        set {block.%player%} to iron ore
    if event-item is gold ore:
        set {block.%player%} to gold ore
    if event-item is emerald ore:
        set {block.%player%} to emerald ore
    if event-item is diamond ore:
        set {block.%player%} to diamond ore
    if event-item is orange wool:
        set {block.%player%} to orange wool
    if event-item is lime wool:
        set {block.%player%} to lime wool
    if event-item is iron block:
        set {block.%player%} to iron block
    if event-item is gold block:
        set {block.%player%} to gold block
    if event-item is diamond block:
        set {block.%player%} to diamond block
    if event-item is emerald block:
        set {block.%player%} to emerald block
#if a player selects a block, it will change

on death:
    victim is a player
    damager is a player
    send "&eYou've killed &a%victim%&e!" to damager
    add 1 to {kill.%player%} for damager
#on killing a player, the killer will gain a kill

    if event-world is "randomffa":
        set {randomffa.%player%} to true
        set {randomffa.%player%} to false
#if player is on RandomFFA, the plugin will know

    if {randomffa.%player%} is true
        set line 5 of player's scoreboard to "&a&lMynaMC"
        set line 4 of player's scoreboard to "&fPlaying on: &cRandomFFA"
        set line 3 of player's scoreboard to "&f"
        set line 2 of player's scoreboard to "&fUse &3/discord"
        set line 1 of player's scoreboard to "&a&"
#if player is in RandomFFA, "Playing On" section will change

    if {randomffa.%player%} is false:
        set line 5 of player's scoreboard to "&a&lMynaMC"
        set line 4 of player's scoreboard to "&fPlaying on: &cLobby"
        set line 3 of player's scoreboard to "&f"
        set line 2 of player's scoreboard to "&fUse &3/discord"
        set line 1 of player's scoreboard to "&a&"
#if player is in the lobby, "Playing On" section will change
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