How to give a player tools with a custom name and enchanted

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New Member
Sep 4, 2021
This is my skript. Basically, I want it to be like a farming level system. All of the lines working, except for Line 25. I don't know why as it is the same as the other ones.
    {tilled} = 0
    {%player%.tilled} = 0

on drop:
    add 1 to {itemsdropped}
    add 1 to {%player%.itemsdropped}
on right click on grass:
    player is holding hoe
    add 1 to {tilled}
    add 1 to {%player%.tilled}
    wait 1 second
    if {%player%.tilled} = 100:
        give player 1 of stone hoe of unbreaking 1 named "&8Level 1 Hoe"
    if {%player%.tilled} = 500:
        give player 1 of gold hoe of unbreaking 2 named "&6Level 2 Hoe"
    if {%player%.tilled} = 1500:
        give player 1 of iron hoe of unbreaking 3 named "&7Level 3 Hoe"
    if {%player%.tilled} = 3000:
        give player 1 of diamond hoe of unbreaking 4, knockback 1 named "&bLevel 4 Hoe"
    if {%player%.tilled} = 5000:
        give player 1 of diamond hoe of unbreaking 5, knockback 2, sharpnesss 1 named "&3Level 5 Hoe"
    if {%player%.tilled} = 10000:
        give player 1 of diamond hoe of unbreaking 10, knockback 5, sharpness 5 named "&3Level 6 Hoe"

This is the error message in the parser.
Line 25: ('1 of diamond hoe of unbreaking 5', 'knockback 2' and 'sharpnesss 1 named "&3Level 5 Hoe"') can't be added to a player because the former is neither an item type, an inventory nor an experience point (, line 25: give player 1 of diamond hoe of unbreaking 5, knockback 2, sharpnesss 1 named "&3Level 5 Hoe"')

Thanks in advance, whether it can be solved or not.
instead of applying unbreaking 10, i suggest using

give player 1 unbreakable (your item)
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