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Dec 2, 2021
function direction(from: location, to: location) :: text:
    set pitch of {_from} to 0.001
    set {_behind} to true if (flatDistance({_from}, {_to})) - flatDistance(location 1 meter behind {_from} and {_to}) > 1/3
    set {_infrontof} to true if (flatDistance({_from}, {_to})) - flatDistance(location 1 meter in front of {_from} and {_to}) > 1/3
    set {_right} to true if (flatDistance({_from}, {_to})) - flatDistance(location 1 meter right {_from} and {_to}) > 1/3
    set {_left} to true if (flatDistance({_from}, {_to})) - flatDistance(location 1 meter left {_from} and {_to}) > 1/3
    return "⬊" if {_behind} and {_right} are true
    return "⬋" if {_behind} and {_left} are true
    return "⬈" if {_infrontof} and {_right} are true
    return "⬉" if {_infrontof} and {_left} are true
    if {_right} and {_left} are not set:
        return "⬆" if {_infrontof} is true
        return "⬇" if {_behind} is true
    if {_infrontof} and {_behind} are not set:
        return "<-" if {_left} is true
        return "->" if {_right} is true
    return "✔"

function flatDistance(from: location, to: location) :: number:
    set y coordinate of {_from} to y coordinate of {_to}
    return distance between {_from} and {_to}
every tick:
    set {_location} to location(0, 0, 0, world "sehir")
    loop all players in world "world":
        set {_direction} to direction(location of loop-player and {_location})
        set {_distance} to round(flatDistance(loop-player and {_location}))
        send action bar "&a%{_direction}%&r %{_distance}% blok uzaklıkta" to loop-player


  • 2021-12-03_14.17.28.png
    307.6 KB · Views: 103
it means that all of the returning values are a Number not a Boolean, if you want to keep this as a number then the returning value couldn't get set to true. that's the best explain i can give. hope you understood