Solved Skript only works for operators

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Oct 10, 2021
I am making a mmorpg script, and everything worked, but when I let a friend play it, they couldn't warp through right-clicking signs, until I made them operator. How can I solve this? Thanks in advance.
on exp spawn:
    cancel event
every 60 seconds:
    make console execute command "/fill 263 68 184 269 71 180 cobblestone"
    make console execute command "/fill 273 68 184 279 71 180 iron_ore"
on block break:
    event-block is iron ore
    drop 1 iron ingot at location of event-block

on death of pig:
    spawn 1 pig at victim's location
    set the last spawned entity's max health to 5
    set the last spawned entity's health to 5
    add 1 to {pig_kills.%attacker%}
    attacker is a player:
        give 1 exp to attacker
on death of cow:
    spawn 1 cow at victim's location
    set the last spawned entity's max health to 10
    set the last spawned entity's health to 10
    add 1 to {cow_kills.%attacker%}
    attacker is a player:
        give 2 exp to attacker
on death of zombie:
    spawn 1 zombie at victim's location
    set the last spawned entity's max health to 10
    set the last spawned entity's health to 10
    add 1 to {zombie_kills.%attacker%}
    attacker is a player:
        give 4 exp to attacker
on damage:
    attacker is a player:
        set {_dam} to damage * attacker's level * 0.1
        set damage to damage + {_dam}
        send action bar with text "<red>+%{_dam}% dmg" to attacker
on right click on sign:
    line 2 of event-block is "Warp to shop":
        if {pig_kills.%player%} is greater than 9:
            message "Warping to shop!"
            teleport player to location(333.5, 77, 36.5)
            set {tmp} to (10 - {pig_kills.%player%})
            message "<light red>You need %{tmp}% <light red>more pig kills to do this!"
    line 2 of event-block is "Warp to cows":
        if {pig_kills.%player%} is greater than 249:
            message "Warping to cows!"
            teleport player to location(215.5, 72, 172.5)
            set {tmp} to (250 - {pig_kills.%player%})
            message "<light red>You need %{tmp}% <light red>more pig kills to do this!"
    line 2 of event-block is "Warp to pigs":
        message "Warping to pigs!"
        teleport player to location(240.5, 70, 180.5)
    line 2 of event-block is "Warp to stone":
        message "Warping to stone!"
        teleport player to location(262.5, 68, 182.5)
    line 2 of event-block is "Warp to iron":
        if {cow_kills.%player%} is greater than 24:
            message "Warping to iron!"
            teleport player to location(272.5, 68, 182.5)
            set {tmp} to (25 - {cow_kills.%player%})
            message "<light red>You need %{tmp}% <light red>more cow kills to do this!"
    line 2 of event-block is "Warp to zombies":
        if {cow_kills.%player%} is greater than 99:
            message "Warping to zombies!"
            teleport player to location(202.5, 64, 219.5)
            set {tmp} to (100 - {cow_kills.%player%})
            message "<light red>You need %{tmp}% <light red>more cow kills to do this!"
    line 1 of event-block is "Wooden sword":
        player has 5 raw porkchop
        remove 5 raw porkchop from player
        give 1 wooden sword to player
        send action bar with text "<light green>+ Wooden sword" to player
    line 1 of event-block is "Wooden pickaxe":
        player has 10 raw porkchop
        remove 10 raw porkchop from player
        make console execute command "/give %player% wooden_pickaxe{CanDestroy:[""minecraft:cobblestone""]} 1"
        send action bar with text "<light green>+ Wooden pickaxe" to player
    line 1 of event-block is "Stone pickaxe":
        player has wooden pickaxe
        player has 32 cobblestone
        remove wooden pickaxe from player
        remove 32 cobblestone from player
        make console execute command "/give %player% stone_pickaxe{CanDestroy:[""minecraft:cobblestone"",""minecraft:iron_ore""]} 1"
        send action bar with text "<light green>+ Stone pickaxe" to player
    line 1 of event-block is "Stone sword":
        player has wooden sword
        player has 16 cobblestone
        remove wooden sword from player
        remove 16 cobblestone from player
        give stone sword to player
        send action bar with text "<light green>+ Stone sword" to player
    line 1 of event-block is "Iron chestplate":
        player has 32 iron ingots
        remove 32 iron ingots from player
        give iron chestplate to player
        send action bar with text "<light green>+ Iron chestplate" to player
    line 1 of event-block is "Protection 2":
        player has 64 iron ingots
        remove 64 iron ingots from player
        make console execute command "/give %player% enchanted_book{StoredEnchantments:[{id:""minecraft:protection"",lvl:2s}]} 1"
        send action bar with text "<light green>+ Protection 2" to player
    line 1 of event-block is "Iron sword":
        player has 32 iron ingots
        player has stone sword
        remove 32 iron ingots from player
        remove stone sword from player
        give iron sword to player
        send action bar with text "<light green>+ Iron sword" to player
I don't think that comes from skript, check if maybe you have a region there and they're not allowed to use signs, because that's what it does by default
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