Skript - Back item when drop cancel

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Im not sure if this works (mobs):

on death:
if victim isn't player:
clear the drops
Im not sure if this works (mobs):

on death:
if victim isn't player:
clear the drops
so he wants to have a telekinesis skript so:
on death of mob:
  loop drops:
    add loop-value to {_mobdrops::*}
  clear the drops
  loop {_mobdrops::*}:
    give player loop-value
That doesn't work for me, though it might work for you. Skip the Variable Middle-man, and also USE ATTACKER and VICTIM in Damage and Death events!

on death:
    set {num} to 0
    if victim isn't a player:
        loop drops:
            add 1 to {num}
            give attacker loop-value
            if {num} = number of drops:
                clear drops
  • on death:
  • set {num} to 0
  • if victim isn't a player:
  • loop drops:
  • add 1 to {num}
  • give attacker loop-value
  • if {num} = number of drops:
  • clear drops
That's very much inefficient... I wouldn't use it. I'm quite sure you could just do:
on death of mob:
    give drops to player
    clear drops
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